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The ride back to the hotel was a lot better than the ride to Disney. Everyone was talking animatedly about everything we did at Disney, still feeling the excitement. I laid my head back against the hard metal of the van, closing my eyes as I replayed everything. I still felt terrible for dragging Harry onto that roller coaster but he assure me that he wasn't upset with me and that he wouldn't have gone on it if I really didn't want too. After we left the ride we stopped and grabbed some ice cream and sat at a table that was tucked back away from the large crowd of people. We sat there and just talked, about Disney, about life, about anything. It was one of those conversations that flowed naturally and you weren't left feeling awkward and saying something just for the sake of it. I loved watching his face break out into a smile that just lit up his face, a smile that instantly made you smile back.  It wasn't awkward or weird, something I worried about after our conversation this morning and Harry's revelation.

The one thing I found a bit strange was this one table, a couple with 2 kids that were probably in their early teens, that kept looking over at us and whispering, their accent similar to Harry's. I thought it was harmless but the way Harry clenched his jaw and kept throwing nervous so glances their way made me feel nervous and worried. When the father took out his phone and aimed it in our direction, that's when Harry said we should leave to find the others, getting up out of his seat and walking back out into the crowd of people by the time I even got up. He brushed off my questions on what that was all about, telling me it was nothing. I didn't push him though, not liking how on edge he was. I decided to just let it go and carefully bring it up again when we had the chance to be alone.

Louis kept trying to get me to talk to him, asking me how I enjoyed the day and all these little nonsense questions and I gave him short, monotoned answers, not really feeling like talking to him after what he said to Harry earlier. He didn't really get the hint though, still firing questions at me when we pulled into the hotel parking lot and as we made our way inside. It was getting on my nerves so when he started asking me which rides were my favorite, I whirled around, making him stop in his tracks, almost running into me. His eyes widen as I glared at him.

"Will you just stop with the fucking twenty questions! Take the hint Louis, I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now!" I was aware that were were all standing in the middle of the parking lot of the hotel, but thankfully it was late enough so no one was around.

"What? Why?" Louis asks, his voice rising slightly in shock.

"Why?! You're joking? Did you forget about this morning?"

"Are you seriously still that upset over that silly fight?" Louis rolls his eyes and it take all my energy not to slap him. How insensitive could he be?

"Yes I'm still upset about that! How could you say something like that to Harry? You knew damn well that your comment would hit a nerve. You crossed the line Louis, hurting your own family! Some of us would kill to have family that actually cared and got along with! Don't ruin that!" I was breathing heavier, my pulse racing. I was getting worked up and defensive and I needed to simmer down. I felt someone brush my arm lightly and I looked over and saw Harry standing next to me, a mixture of awe and worry etched across his face.

"I said I was sorry ok!" Louis raises his voice, looking back and forth between Harry and I. "What more do you want me to do! Would you like me to bow down to Harry and kiss his feet, begging him for forgiveness?" Sarcasm was rich in his voice and I glared at him.

"Stop being so fucking dramatic! You're acting like a child. I'm done with this, talk to me when you've gotten your jealousy reined in and apologized like you mean it." I knew that was a low blow, seeing the hurt in Louis eyes as I turned around, but he was just pissing me off, acting like what he did was so easily forgivable. If I had family I was close with, like Louis and Harry were, I wouldn't be doing or saying things that could possibly ruin that. I had no one in my family that I was close with, not even my parents. My damn sister worried more about what shoes to buy than she did about our relationship. Maybe I was a little more angry than I should be but I was just pissed off about what he said and at the fact that he would be so careless with the relationship he had with Harry.

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