Chapter 3

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Me and Harry rushed around the house and got ourself dressed, got my children dressed, made lunch, cleaned the house.

We did everything in less than 45 minutes while listening to the songs we'd be singing at the wedding.

We had just sat down on the couch when the doorbell made a sound.

"Are we gonna meet our  other uncles now?" Lucas asked Harry when I went to the door.

"Yes, you'll meet uncle Liam and uncle Niall. And another man called Louis" I explained.

"Isn't he our uncle?" Troy asked

"No" was Harry's simple answer.

Then I opened the door.

"NICOLE!!! IT'S SOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU" Niall screamed and jumped in my arms.

Remember I said they would come back as men and not as boys?

Yeah, I take that back.

"I missed you too Niall" I said laughing while hugging him back.

"Harold? Are you here?" I head him shout while I hugged Liam. Louis were nowhere in sight.

Around the corner came my three favorite boys: Harry, Lucas and Troy.

"Well hi there" Liam said and picked Troy up. "I'm-"

"Uncle Liam" Troy finished for him.

"Yes I am. And you are?"

"I'm Troy"

"And I'm Lucas" Lucas said from Harry's arms. "Are you uncle Niall?" He asked Niall who nodded and said:

"Yeah, buddy"

For all of you who wonders: Yes, Harry has told Liam, Niall and Zayn about Troy and Lucas. But not Louis. If someone ever tells him it's gotta be me.

"So where's Lou?" Harry asked with his eyes on Liam.

"He'll arrive later" Liam said.

Liam and Harry put Troy and Lucas on the floor and Niall bent down to their level.

"How old are you two?" He asked

"4" They both said in sync.

"Do you like cars?" He asked and a teasing smile appeard on his face.

"Yes" They giggled.

"Then do you want these?" He asked and brought two fancy looking toy cars from one of his bags.

"YES" They screamed like there was no tomorrow and took the cars and ran to their room.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked looking at Niall. "Now they will believe you'll bring them presents every time you visit"

"Maybe I will" He said and smirked at me.

"Don't" I started. "They will be so spoiled"

"That's not a bad thing" Harry said with a big smile.

"We'll be the best uncles in the world" Niall said and Harry, him and Liam high fived just above my head.

We placed ourselfs on the couch.

"So..What have you done since the last time I saw you? Four years ago?" I asked and looked at Liam and Niall.

"I took Sophia to Japan and showed her Tokyo. I love that city" Liam told me.

"I visited my family and my awesome nephew Theo" Niall smiled when he talked about his nephew.

"And we've been on two amazing tours and had our girls go crazy" Harry ended.

"It's so cute that you boys call your fans 'your girls'" I giggled.

"We. Are. Not. Cute" Niall started

"And. We. Are. Not. Boys" Liam cuntinued

"We. Are. Men" Harry ended.

"Fine" I said just as the doorbell rang again.

I went for the door but someone, or no, two small people stood at the door.

"Who are you?" I heard Troy ask

I froze when I heard the persons answer.

~Louis' POV~

I was in my car.

'We Are Young' played on the radio.

I had a paper in my hand.

On the paper was Harry's weird handwriting with  directions to the house we where staying during the wedding.

One of my best friends were finally getting married.

After driving around, knocking on the wrong doors and finally asking someone to help me read the paper, I finally ended up outside the house where I could see Niall's car.

I turned off the car, got out and locked it. I thought off getting my bags when I was sure this was the right house.

I made my way to the door and rung the doorbell.

I waited for a few seconds and then the door opened.

But there was no one there.

"Down here mister"  a young voice giggled.

I looked down and looked right into two pairs of eyes. One green pair and one icy blue. There were two young boys standing there. They looked like twins or something.

"Who are you?" One of the boys asked.

"I'm Louis"

"What are you doing here?" The other boy asked.

"I'm not sure" I said, almost more to myself.

"We're waiting for someone called Louis" The first one said.

"Oh, really? Do you have a parent around or something?" I asked

"Mummy!" The boys turned around and ran away.

I opened the door more and saw a woman with dark, light curly hair and a perfect body. She just bent down to pick up one of the boys while the other boy stood next to her. When she looked up and our eyes met my jaw hit the floor.

The woman that those boys called 'mum' was...Nicole?

"LOUIS!" I heard Niall shouted and a second later I found myself in a Horan-hug.

"Hi man" I chuckled and hugged him back.

"I've missed you" Harry said and hugged me aswell.

"Uncle Harry? Is that the Louis we were waiting for?" The boy with green eyes asked Harry.

"Yes, Lucas. This is the Louis"

"Okay then. Hi, I'm Lucas" The small boy said. I bent down and smiled at him.

"I'm Louis"

"And I'm Troy" the other boy shouted and ran towards me.

There was one question stuck in my head.

Who was the father of these two?

I could see that they where Nicole's.

Troy was a copy of her perfect face and Lucas had her behaviour.

But Lucas didn't look like her and as far as I know Nicole wasn't a troublemaker as a child, which Troy seems to be.

I know I didn't know them.


I already loved them.


I love their mother.


After all this time.

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