Chapter 2

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Dear Nicole

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for leaving and never coming back.

I wanted to, but I couldn't.

Seing you cry is the worst thing in the world and you cried the last time I left and I don't want to see that again.

I love you.

But I have to let you go. What we had was amazing.

But I know you'll be better off without me. Now you'll have the chance to fine someone who'll treat you better than I did and is home for more than only two mounts every two years.

Someone who can be with you every day.

Trust me. I want it to be me.

I do.

But it can't be me.

I don't think we'll ever see each other again so I gues this is good bye.

So good bye

Love Louis xx

"Oh" was all Harry could say

"Are you staying here tonight?" I asked

"I was hoping I could crash with my absolute favorite sister on earth" He answered with a smirk

"I'm your only sister, weirdo" I said and lightly smacked his arm

"I know. But I wouldn't want it to be anyone but you"

I couldn't help an 'aaaw' leave my lips and a big smile form on my lips.

"You're the best brother in the world"

We hugged.

I prepared the guestroom for him while he took a shower.

He came back and gave he a small smlie.

"I think you should tell him"

"Tell who? And what?"

"Louis. That Troy and Lucas are his children. He deserves to know"

"Oh," was all I could say

"But he should really see it himself. I mean, look at Lucas. He is a copy of his looks

and Troy is a copy of the way he acts. It's not hard to see that they are his"

"I know" I sighted. "I'll see how he react around them first and if he asks about them I'll tell him. Okay?"

"It's your choice sis. Good night" Harry said and dragged me to a hug.

"Good night" I said hugging him back.

I went to my room and realised that:

Tomorrow was the day.

Tomorrow my house would be filled with people again.

Men this time and not boys.

Niall, Liam and Louis would come and LIVE in my house.

Where my sons lives too.

Oh My God.

Help me!

It was a hard night.

I couldn't sleep.

I thought about everything that was going to happen.

The wedding

Seeing Louis again after 4 years

Him meeting my kids (that are his too)

"Mummy!" I heard Lucas shout and two seconds later my bedroom door swung open and Lucas and Troy ran inside screaming with my brother after with a devilish grin on his face.

"What's all this?" I asked with a tired voice and looked at my screaming children.

"He's...he's the tickle monster" Troy laughed when Harry cought Lucas and started to tickle him.

"Oh, really?" I asked looking at Harry who nodded at me and continued to tickle my son. "You know what you should do?" I wispered in Troy's ear.

He shook his head and I continued to wisper. "You should attack uncle Harry from the behind and tickle him"

I watched as Troy's eyes grow bigger and a evil smile appeard on his small lips.

A few seconds later he sneaked up behind Harry, without Harry noticing, and attacked him by  tickling Harry. He immediatly stopped tickle Lucas and laid down on the floor laughing. That made Lucas also attack Harry.

I sat on my bed laughing at the video I made with my phone.

Tickle fights like this are worth keeping.

Minutes passed before Harry screamed out "Okay guys! I give up! You two tickle monsters win! Big time!"

Lucas and Troy stopped tickle Harry and our laughter died.

Suddenly Lucas wispered something to Troy and I could only hear some words.

"Should we tell her?"

"We have too"

"You tell her"

"Mummy?" Lucas asked.

"Yes honey" I said.

"Other kids kinda pick on me and Troy in preschool"

My jaw dropped.

And so did Harry's.

"Wh-what?" I asked. "Why?"

"Because we don't have a daddy"

I felt tears burn in my eyes.

"Remember what I told you about your dad?" I asked.

Troy sighted and said. "He doesn't know us, but he still loves us"

"Exactly" I said.

"Oh my god" Harry suddenly said.

My head turned towards him.

"It's 11.15"

"So?" I asked him

"The boys will be here in 45 minutes"

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