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Words, noun; a single distinct peice of meaningful speech or writing

English was not my first language, but it was my first love.

my lover has hurt me just as much as helped me,

like my father has done to my mother, and how his father did to his wife.

The sole difference between us is that their lovers took there power away; mine gave it back.

power, noun; the ability to do something or act in a particular way

I was a victim of what most people would brush off as 'overprotective parents' growing up.

I wasn't allowed to hang out with friends or go to sleep overs, and was (am) a prisoner in my own home.

So naturally I began to read, painting my nails with princesses and climbing jungle gyms with adventurers.

Books gave me the freedom to go wherever I wished,

let me get away from the four walls of my prison. They were my escape.

Escape, verb; to break free from confinement or control

some nights when I lay in bed after a particularly exhausting argument with my mother,

all the monsters in my head I keep locked up in the day creep up on me, whispering my faults in my ears,

showing me memories I'd rather forget,

haunting me until all the good things in the world are drowned out by my silent cries.

I try to argue but words abandon me and the whispers just grow louder and louder;

ugly fat burden, useless worthless bitch.

Word, exclamation; used to express agreement.

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