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I continued feel and go through the horrible contractions while Snake held me close trying to sooth the pain as much as he could but nothing was working. The pain was getting to be to much as I felt a sharp pain down below so I began to push with loud grunts and whimpers. Snake insured I was safe and okay, I could hear his encouraging words in my ear as he helped me spread my legs more "don't worry my you're gonna be just fine" he whispered.

The pain was becoming unbearable, the feeling of my body contracting and my lower body stretching open was almost to much, "AHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I felt something massive coming out. Snake reached down and kissed my cheek guiding our baby out slowly, "his head is almost out live keep pushing" He encouraged. I continued to push and give it my all but I began to worry and tire out from hours of contractions and 30 minutes of pushing.


I felt relief the pain was gone but I could hear just between my legs was the sound of our baby crying our tiny baby boy. Snake smiled wide tears in his eyes as he reached down for the slimy Naga. I sobbed at the sight of him, Snake immediately began to clean him of all the body fluids. I couldn't believe it my baby boy was finally here.

~~~~ hours later~~~~

I was resting in my nest breast feeding Cobra, his hair was a beautiful (h/c) while his eyes resembles his father's, his tiny little scales littered his body just like Snakes. He stayed close to me while Snake wrapped himself around the two of us to keep us close while I breastfeed him. 

Our family was finally complete or so I thought 

"Can we have another?" 

"Snake... no"

~~~~8 YEARS LATER~~~~

Snake for his wish after our son Cobra turned 3 I became pregnant with twins right now Cobra is 8 while Gabriel and Kai are 5 but it seems our nest is going to get bigger because I just found out we're having another baby....

When will our nest stop? I'll never know 

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