Seeing The Old Team

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Nobodies POV
"Are you that much of a bonehead to get rid of an eye for more power" Lucy said to Cobra as she backed her fist away and crossed her arms. Cobra rubbed his head and replied "I was desperate ok!" He said in a whiny tone. "Oh my GOD Cobra!" Lucy said quietly and built up her voice in 'god'. "Ok, Just don't go and  give your other eye away, alright. Your eye color is very pretty." Lucy said mumbling the last part. "What was that?~" Cobra said. "I said just don't go and give your other eye away, alright!" Lucy said with a slight blush on her cheeks. "No after that" Cobra said. " I said that your eye color in very nice-" Lucy said getting quieter while saying it. "I don't think it was nice, I think it was along the lines of pretty~" Cobra said slyly. "Ok Fine I Did Say They Were Pretty!" Lucy burst. Cobra burst out laughing and had fallen to the ground.
What they didn't know was that the great Titania Erza was not too far away, mouth agape to what she was seeing. "Lucy?" She said quietly but Cobra still heard it. "So Titania, what are you going to do now. Finding out that one of you guild-mates was my old snake?" Erza's eyes went even wider and her gleaming glass-like eyes went almost dull from shock. "How?...Why didn't you tell us, Lucy?" She said, she always saw Lucy like a little sister that she never had. "She ain't your sister Titania, she's my pet snake that has come back to me like the obedient pet she is." Cobra said with a smirk. And patted Lucy head. Lucy got mad at how he was talking to Erza and hit him on the head again. "I may be your pet but I'm also your friend, and don't talk to Erza-nee like that again. She may be an enemy to you but she's a friend to me" Lucy said after she hit Cobra and crossed he arms while she puffed her cheeks looking away. "Oh come on!" He said a bit angry. "Oh Erza-nee, I'm sorry that I never told you, but I had amnesia, from the spell that master used to get me back to my human form. But I have to stay with Erik" she said. "Oi, don't call me Erik!" Cobra said angrily. Erza was still speechless. Till she finally opened her mouth and said. "Lucy You Shouldn't Be With A Man Like Him!!! COME BACK WITH ME TO FAIRY TAIL!!!!" She shouted and started to step by step over to her weakly. Lucy felt guilt immediately after she had gotten the decision of going back to fairy tail and being a barmaid or going back with her childhood friend and be with Oracion Cies. "I'm sorry" Lucy said having her bangs covering her eyes casting a shadow. "But just like what cobra said 'I'm an obedient pet coming back to her master'" Lucy said, Erza's eyes grew wide and started to fill up with tears, she fell onto her knees and cried. Lucy walked up to her, crouched down to her level and grabbed her shoulder for her to look up. "Good-bye Erza-nee" she said while tilting her head to the side and closing her eyes shut and smiled while saying it. She then stood back up and walked away ignoring the red-heads Pleads. She walked to Cobra and somehow turned into her snake form, slithered under him and grew wings to fly away and try to find the rest of her old team.

When she found them at first they didn't know who she was cause when she found them she was in her human form carrying Cobra. They tried to kill her then Cobra stepped in and told them she was Cubelious. They had a small reunion but not too long after, the council guards were there and they took them away including Lucy, she was in her snake form so they took her too, recognizing her.

Sorry for not updating but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. And how do you like the fact that Lucy joined the Oracion Cies. Don't worry I have some good ideas for what will happen for when Lucy is in the Oracion Cies. And if you want after I finish this story I'll make an alternative storyline, which can be about Lucy going back to fairy tail.

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