Hour 2: Bright & Red

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She smiles as she watches a person get murdered on the tiny screen in front of me. I can't get enough of this chick. I study her face when I'm sure she's not paying attention and I keep finding myself getting carried away, thinking about what she looks like in the sunlight or under the pale moon. With just the dim bulb that pointed at her from above, I can only get to see glimpses of her, a profile and a contrasting smile.

R: What are you staring at? Do I have something on my face?

J: Yeah, it's pure evil. How can you smile while watching brutal murder?

R: I really like this episode! I'm just anticipating the rest of it.

J: You're really something else, Rosie.

I could have sworn I saw her blush, but I can't be sure. She lets her dark waves fall onto her face and I have to fight my instincts, which urge for me to reach over to tuck it behind her ear. I just really want to see her face again.

>>>15 minutes into the hour

We haven't really spoken to each other for about ten minutes now and it's driving me nuts. Actually, we haven't spoken at all, especially as we are watching my screen quietly together. I don't know what her voice sounds like and it bothers me, but I can only deal with one thing at a time. Right now, I need to talk to her. I want to get to know her more.

J: Wanna play 20 questions?

R: Oh thank god. I was hoping we could keep talking.

J: Me, too. Omg I was dying.

R: Haha so what do you want to ask first?

J: Favorite food?

R: Fried chicken. Favorite movie?

J: Jurassic Park. Worst fear?

R: The dark. Same for you?

J: Getting my heart broken.

>>>Halfway through the hour

J: Tell me about your first crush.

R: We were playing tag in 5th grade and he punched my boob by accident.

J: That's what made you like him? HAHAHA Good to know!

R: What do you mean "Good to know"? I WAS A KID.

J: Well, now if I want you to like me, I'll just sock you in the tit.

This time, I'm sure she blushed, but I don't say anything. I don't usually flirt, and even if I do, this is still new to me, flirting on paper. I'm glad we're having this conversation on my notepad, because I get to keep these memories.

But then it hits me. She won't have this. Would she forget me? Would she move on? I don't like the thought of her a week from now, remembering me as some guy she talked to for this short amount of time. I just can't let it happen, but I know I barely met her an hour ago. I'm beginning to like her too much.

>>>45 minutes into the hour

R: Tell me about YOUR first crush, then. Since mine is so funny...D:<

J: My second grade teacher, Ms. Slater. She always remembered my favorite type of cookie when we had snacks.

R: AWW! That's adorable!

J: Thanks, so are you.

She reaches her hand up to pinch my cheeks and I can't help but feel the shock from her skin on mine. That's a first. The exhilaration is incomparable, leaving me frozen as I stare at her wide eyed. My expression immediately softens into a gentle smile as I see her react to my reaction, which looks like somewhere along the lines of Did I do something wrong?

I reach up to pinch her cheeks, but she blocks me with both hands flat on the sides of her face. I laugh quietly as I try to pull both her hands away from her cheeks, but damn, this girl is strong.

She giggles for a moment as I continue to pull and wow, I get a rush of excitement shoot up my chest from the bottom of my stomach as I hear the sound of joy escape her lips. Finally, with one last yank, I pull both her hands away, but it results in her face closer to mine, closer than I meant for her to be.

With her nose an inch away from mine, I get to have a good look at her pretty little face. Her eyes are wide and brown, staring at mine, and I marvel at the shape of her lips, a beautiful bow with a slight curve in the corners. I want to reach up and maybe just brush my fingers over them, to see how soft they really are. I don't move, though, hoping that I could stay this close to her a little longer, close enough to smell her coconut shampoo and watch her cheeks turn pink.

But alas, we scoot away, returning to our places and facing forward. I peer over to see that her cheeks are still bright and red, making me wonder if she can see that mine are the same.

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