Hour 9: Everything

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I stare at him, wide eyed, and wonder if there's something wrong with his head. We've just met, why is he asking about love? I'm not one to abuse a word worthy of worship, and as I watch the sincerely worried look in his eyes, I think he feels it. I've never understood the word fully, but since I've also never felt like this before, maybe this is it?

Biting my lower lip, I turn to the little notepad.

R: What do you mean what is love?

J: I don't know. It's really a mystery to me what it feels like and

R: And what?

J: I don't know what this feels like, but I know I like talking to you. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm feeling here.

R: We can't seriously be talking about this.

J: Why not?

R: Because

I feel the strain on my mind as I turn away from the notepad to stare at his stupid cute puppy dog eyes.

At the sight of his gentle smile, my frustration lowers and I feel my heart melt a little at the genuine look in his eyes.

R: Because we're practically strangers.

I pass back the notepad and wait for the usual immediate response, but he doesn't do anything. He just stares at it, deep in thought. I start to feel a tugging on my heart, and I realize how wrong I was: we're much more than strangers.

>>>15 minutes into the hour

J: Are we, though?

R: If we aren't, then what are we?

He stares at it again, but only for a couple of minutes before scribbling his response. I don't look at the note, but at him, at the conflict that is so apparent in his expression. I want to touch his face, to ease the frown that has formed on his lips.

J: More.

R: More?

J: I don't know what we are, I just know we're more than strangers. A lot more. A lot, a lot. Remember?

R: Is there a word for what we are?

J: That depends on what we want from each other.

R: Okay... Then what do you want from me?

He reads my question with deep focus and then turns to stare at me with narrowed eyes, and while it seems like he's trying to give me the sexy smolder, it just turns out like he's holding in a painful fart.

I giggle at his expression, which slowly softens to a smile, and then widening to a dazzling grin. I almost hold my breath as his pearly whites hit me hard in my senses. Every rational part of me is offline and I'm stuck staring at this handsome guy whom I just cannot get enough of.

He places his hand on the side of my face, pulling me closer to his. His eyes glisten from the dim light that shines on us from above, and I feel him lean in closer and closer until our lips touch. His skin feels so good against mine as his palm moves down to warm my neck, pulling me even closer to him, like he's willing to take all of me in, like he's willing to give up everything to keep me.

It takes all my willpower not to moan as his tongue playfully flicks mine and I have to use all my strength not to fall over from how entranced I am.

Then, just as easily as he started the kiss, he pulls away, back to his own seat and begins scribbling again.

>>>Halfway through the hour

J: That. A lot of that. With you. All. The. Time.

R: My kisses?

J: Not just that, though. I want your jokes, your stories, your smile, and your laugh.

R: Why?

J: Because I've never wanted someone this much.

R: You do realize that this is all very forward of you.

J: I'm just being honest with what I want. If you don't want me back, then that's fine, but at least I got it all out in the clear.

R: Okay.

J: Okay? Tell me, what do you want from me?

I crouch over to rest my elbow on the tray table and form a fist to rest my head on. I turn to stare at him, and as he watches the screen in front of him, I realize that he's deliberately avoiding my eyes.


Is this conversation so unnerving that he has to ignore it while it's in progress? Do I have that much of an affect on him? How is this possible? Does he know what he makes me feel?

R: Everything.

>>>45 minutes into the hour

J: What does everything consist of?

R: Your grins, your sweetness, your laughs, your kisses, your touches, and maybe your jokes, too.

J: Just maybe on the jokes?

R: They're really flirty. I can't handle blushing all the time.

J: It's a package deal, baby. Take none or take it all.

R: Is this you, playing hard to get, babe?

J: Keep calling me that. I like it.

R: Why? I was only mocking you for calling me baby.

J: I like the idea of a pretty and hot babe like you calling me babe. And oh, yeah. I'll keep calling you baby.

R: Please don't. Ugh, barf central.

J: Come on, baby. You'll warm up to it.

R: So what now?

J: Give me your phone.

R: What are you going to do?

J: Everything I can to stay in touch with you.  

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