Date with trouble?

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'So, where did you make the reservations?' I asked breaking the slightly awkward silence.

'Its a surprise, you'll see.' Tom smiled and continued to look at the road. I hated surprises but I wasn't complaining about this one. We pull up out the front of Hooters and a confused look spreads across my face 'Um, you know i am straight right?' He looks at me just as confused then looks at the Hooters sign and laughs. 'Oh god, no! I am taking you to that cafe place there 'la cuisne.' 

i look at him and raise my eye brows 'You have no idea what that means do you?' He turns to look at the cafe nd says 'Not a clue. Come on.' he held his hand out to me and i grabbed it then started to walk across the road. We walked in and a lady showed up to our seats. 

*1 hour later*

The date is going so well. I didn't realise how much we had in common. Up to dessert now and i badly need to go to the toilet but i don't want to leave the conversation. Its really starting to kill now. 'Sorry Tom i just need to slip into the loo.' The loo?? who the hell says loo anymore?

'Sure not a problem. I will be here.' He smiles at me and i get up and speed to the toilet. 

I quickly do a quick make up check to make sure i don't have any panda eyes and start to make my way out of the toilet. I start heading back to the table when i see something sticking out of Toms pants. My jaw drops at the sight of it and i look around to see if anyone has noticed. They haven't so i decide to make a run for the door before he realises i have seen it. I head to the with my head hung. I walk out and start calling for a cab when i hear someone 'What are you doing out here??' its Tom. Crap!

'Um, I just, uh, needed some air.' I managed to get out.

'No you didn't. Seriously, why are you out here?' 

He looked at me, not angrily but curiously. I decide to give in. 'Um are you a serial killer?' He blinks his eyes and looks at me and starts chuckling. Then realises i'm not laughing.

'No. Why would you say the?'

'Are you a rapist? stalker? Perv? Uh are some guy my ex sent after to me to kill me?'

'No, no, no and no. i'm just a regular guy going out on a date with a girl i like. What put this in your head?' I look at him with almost sad eyes but i don't know why. 

'I came out of the bathroom a-and, you ah had a gun in the back of your jeans.' 

*Tom's POV*

'I came out of the bathroom a-and, you ah had a gun in the back of your jeans.' Shit! shes probably freaking right now. I hope I didn't scare her 'Oh um yeh the gun that's a long story.' 

'and one you don't really want to tell now. that's fine i mean-' she was cut off by her phone ringing. She took it out of her pocket and put it to her ear. 'Hello?... Mum?.... What's wrong?.... I'm oming home...... No mum i- Mum?? MUM?!' She was frantic after she took the phone fom her ear. 'Im sorry I gotta go.' I went to grab her 'WAIT!' She had already gone. So I chase after her.

* Melissa's POV*

'Oh um yeh the gun that's a long story.' he looked almost guilty. 

'and one you don't really want to tell now. that's fine i mean-' I was cut off by my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket and put it to my ear. 'Hello?'


'Mum? What's wrong?'

'Hunny there's a problem. i need you to go to Casey's tonight.'

'I'm coming home'

'No Mel, don't come home do you understand. Do Not Come Home!!'

'No mum i- Mum?? MUM?!' My mum is in trouble there was banging and crashing and her hanging up, was her screaming. I turned to Tom who had a worried look on his face. 'Im sorry I gotta go.' I started to go as Tom tried to grab me. I broke free of his grasp 'WAIT!'  heard him yell out to me but i just jog away. 

I arrived at home and the door was wide open. There was stuff all over the ground. 'Mum?' I heard a rattling coming from the kitchen so i head towards it when the front door behind me banged and Tom burst through. 'Mel, Wait.' He said breathlessly. He had his gun out and pointing around. 

'What the hell are you doing? are you insane?' I stumbled back and run into the stair case.'

'Mel just trust me.' there was a loud bang in the kitchen and i ran towards it. 

'Mel! Wait!' but it was to late. I was already in the kitchen. And tat's when i saw it. All the shattered glass. All the blood. And both of my parents lying, dead on the floor.

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