On the run

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*Melissa's POV*

He's here. He's actually here! But i feel safe with Jack. I watch him as we slip out of the hospital room. I quickly look back and notice that he has seen us and i guess that jack noticed to because he started to pull my along. We start walking faster into a jog and into a sprint as we head to the elevator. Jack contiuously hit the elevatore button until it shut. He was getting closer. I can hear Jack mmubling to himself 'Come on, come on.' I watch him and squeeze his hand and he relaxes a little. Then finally the door closes. We both sigh with relief. and he slowly turns to look down at our entwined hands. He then looks at me and his lips crash down on mine. He pushes me against the wall as our kiss becomes heated. he wraps his arms arouns my waist as i wrap mine around his neck. Then the elevator dinged and we pulled apart. We head out the door when suddenly i was hit. Hard! I fall to the ground hearing Jack scream name. I look up to him hitting logan and knocking him to the ground. He kicks him in the ribs and Logan growns. Jack then runs at me and grabs my hand and yanks me up. We start to run. I look behind me and look behind me nioticing Logan was already on his feet. He starts running toward us and pushes people out of his way. Jack and I sart running faster. We get out to the parking lot and i trip JAck tries to pull me to my feet when he is struck by Logan. Jack falls to the ground hard hitting his head and knocking him out. I gasp and go to grab his hand then Logan stands on it 'Not so fast sweetheart. I wasn't done with you.' He grabs me by the hair and pulls me to my feet. I wince 'Logan please, you don't have to do this. I never did anything to you.'

'You left me!' He yells and i turn my face away. He grabs my chin and makes me look at him. 'You look at me when i talk to you!' He yells again this time i glare at him. I spit in his face and he drops me.

'HELP!' I scream leaving Jack behind. I had to get Logan away from him and that would only happen if I ran. Next thing i know i am being thrown to the floor again and flipped over. Logan lies on top of me holding a knife to my throat. 'Scream and you die.' I close my mouth as it was slightly open.

'P-please Logan. What can i do that will make you stop?' I sob

'Come back to me! I love you!' I turn my head to the side as he smells my hair. I decide to make a decision and play with his head.

'Ok. Ok baby, lets go home.' He nods and looks at me cautiously. He slowly gets off me and he reaches out to me. I go to reach for his hand but instead i kick him in his family jeweles. He falls to the ground giving me the chance to get up and run. I ran for life and don't look back. I have no idea where i am going though, its parking lot for crying out loud! I look around for a suitable exit and then notice Logan wasn't chasing me. Wait, oh my god! JACK! I run back into the direction that he was at and he is still lying on the ground. I look around for logan and he is no where to be seen. Imake my wy way over to Jack. I reach him 'Jack?' Jack!' I say with concern in my voice. He starts to stir and open his eyes. 'Jack thankg-' I was cut off by sharp stabbing pain in the lower-left part of my back. I look down and see blood staining my shirt. Jack's eyes widen at the sight of blood and jumps to his feet. He grabs Logan and knees him in the head and then throws him against the wall. He hits his head, harder than Jack did and he falls to the ground not moving. That was our chance. Jack picks me bridal style and carefully jogs to the car. He puts me in the drivers seat and fumbles with my seatbealt 'I-I got it Jack.' He lets go and runs around to the driver's seat.He jumps in the front and buckles his seatbealt and starts the car. 'Are you alright?' He asks with a panicing tone. 'I'm alright I'm not loosing too much blood.' I look down. Ok so maybe I lied.

'Don't lie to me.' He glances at me in the rear-view mirror. How does he already know when I lie??

'Ok its bleeding a lot. but i feel fine.' He looks at me and raises his eyebrows.'You promise?'

'Yes, I pormise!' I look down at the wound and apply pressure. 'So where are we going??'

'A hotel. Somewhere safe.' I nod and look out the window.

About half an hour later we had arrived at a hotel room. He rushed straight to the bathroom to find a first-aid kit. He comes out of the bathroom looking through it. 'Alright lets fix you up.' He sits down next to me and I pull up my shirt. He looks deeply at the wound and starts fixing it. I stare at him while he fixes me up.

When he was done he pulls my shirt down and smiles at me 'What were you looking at?'

'Me? I-uh-nothing. W-why would you say i was looking at you?' Oh yeah smooth Melissa.

'Uhuh. Right.' He looks down and starts to pick up the mess. I stop him by grabbing him by the hand and he looks at me. We gaze at each other for a while and then he grabs the back of my neck pulling my into a deep kiss. He lays me down on the bed and lies on top of me and kisses me passionately but softly. Pain shoots through my stomach but i choose to ignore it and start to tug at his shirt. He traces kisses down my neck then my chest and finally back up again. He sarts to take my shirt off as I watch him. We continue kissing and then it leads onto more. I feel safer than what I have in a long time and I know that he is mine.


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I have the whole story planned out but if you have any suggestions please feel free to suggest them and i may or may not add them into it.

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