Chapter 9

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I take a deep breath in and walk deeper into my closet. I look through it and pick out the perfect outfit. I grab a peachy colored skirt and a white shirt. I grab my sun glasses and put my outfit on the table in the closet. I opened a drawer and looked inside.
"Mmmmm red or black?" I ask myself. I have an idea and slip my phone out of my pocket. I call my bestie Cizi. The phone rings for a bit but she finally answers.
"Hellooooo" she says.
"Hey I need some help. I'm about to go swimming with my crush and he's super cute and I wanna look good. Should I wear a red two piece or a black one?" I ask while holding to two bathing suits.
"Ummmmm I would say black. I always thought black was a hot color. But bring a red bra and panties to wear after because that's a sexy color." She told me. I laughed and thanked her. I hung up the phone and put it back on the table. I put away my red bathing suit and got undressed. I put on my black bathing suit and my clothes on over. I tucked the white shirt into the skirt. I grabbed my backpack and threw my red bra and panties inside. I also threw in some light pink high waisted skinny jeans and a black sweater that I can wear when it gets cold. I put my sun glasses on my head and threw a piece of gum in my mouth. I walked out the closet and looked into my mirror.
"Damn Bree you look goooood," I told myself. I put one some black flip flips and walked out my room. I went to the hallway closet and grabbed a towel and stuffed it into my backpack. Then I walk out my house and into Jacobs. I walk to his room and open the door. He is sitting on his bed playing on his phone. When he hears me walk inside his mouth drops open.

*jacobs point of view*
I look up to see Bree standing in my door way. My jaw drops down. Oh my lord she looks.... what's the word? HOT! Yeah that's it. She spins around showing me her outfit.
"You like it?" She asks me. I can't get any words out. I slowly nod my head and continue looking up and down. Her hair is let down hanging over her shoulders. She has black sun glasses on her head with pretty blue earrings on. I'm trying so hard not to kiss her right now.
"That's good. I have my bathing suit on under my clothes. When are you putting yours on?" She asks. I look down and realize I'm not wearing my swimming trunks. I laugh and stand up. I walk to the desk and grab the trunks.
"Give me one minute beautiful," I tell her as I walk into the bathroom.
*end of point of view*

He just called me beautiful! I'm glad I look nice in his eyes. I watch him walk into the bathroom and close the door. I walk over to his bed and sit at the end. I got lost in my own thoughts until he walks out the bathroom. He's wearing black swimming trunks and a red tank top.
"Hey my bathing suit matches yours,"I say standing up and walking to him.
"Maybe you should take your clothes off so I can see..." he says. My cheeks get hot when I hear his words. I can see his cheeks turn pink too.
"Maybe we should go to your backyard and get ready for dinner later on." I answer him backing away.
Yes I know I totally messed up a perfect moment to kiss him. But I got really nervous.
"Your right. Come on," he commands walking out the bedroom. I grab my backpack and follow him downstairs and out to his backyard. The air is warm and it's sunny outside. I put my backpack on a chair in the shade and turn around to face Jacob.
"What do you wanna do until our parents come back?" He asked me.
"Have any ideas?" I reply. He stays quiet for a bit.
"Not really. You?" He says.
"Ima FaceTime my bestie Cizi. She really wants to meet you," I tell him. He gives me a smile.
"You told her about me?" He asks. I give him a shy smile and take my phone out of my backpack. I FaceTime her and she answers.
"Heyyyy bestie,"I say right away.
"Hey Bree. Are you with that cute boy you told me about? Did you show him your sexy underwear?" She asks. I quickly turn to Jacob to see if he heard and he was starring at me. With a nervous smile on his face.
"Shhhhhh!" I yell. He walks over to the camera and puts his arm around my neck.
"Here I am. The cute boy I'm guessing." He says looking down at me. I smile and look back at cizi.
"Wow your right he is bomb!" She yells. I turn to Jacob and my cheeks get red. I turn back to my phone.
"Well I just wanted you two to meet. Anddddd I'm going to go because you made this super awkward," I say with a laugh. I hang up the phone and put it down on the table. I look down at the floor feeling really nervous. Jacob moves in really close to me. He is standing behind me and I can feel his warm heat. He puts both hands on my waist. I look up and turn my head looking at him.
"I think your cute too Bree," he says. I feel my body melt. All of the sudden his dad and my mother walks out to the back yard. His hands quickly drops and he walks away. Luckily they didn't see.
"Why haven't you two jump in the pool yet? It's hot out here," my mother says.
"Oh we can help you get the groceries out of the car if you want." Jacob says.
"No it's okay. Your father can help me." She says walking back into the house. Jacobs dad follows her back inside. I turn around and Jacob is taking off his shirt. My eyes drop down to his six pack. He smiles and jumps into the pool splashing me when he lands.
"Come on princess. You coming in?" He asks. I nod my head and turn around so my back is facing him. I take off my glasses and throw them on the floor. I kick off my flip flops. I was too nervous to face him while getting undressed. I pull down my skirt and set it down on top of my sandals. I pull my shirt over my head and throw it on the floor. I take a deep breath in and turn around.

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