Chapter 8

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I wake up in the morning and stretch out my arms and legs. I look over to my right to see Jacob rubbing his eyes.
"Morning sunshine," I tell him. I smile looking down at the floor. I see my phone and reach for it turning on the phone.
"Morning beautiful." He tells me. I blush when I hear his words. Then I look at the time.
"Wow." I said out loud. He sits up and looks at me.
"What time is it?" He asks me. I look at him.
"12:45 p.m" I reply. I let out a yawn and stretch one more time.
"We slept in. How did you sleep?"he asks. I throw the warm black blanket off of my body.
"I slept good. You kept me warm all night"I tell him. He smiles at me while he yawns.

*jacobs point of view*
I look at Bree after I yawn. She is beautiful. Her hair is a little messy which is super cute. She smiles at me and starts to crawl out of the fort. I stare at her black shorts as she leaves and I follow behind her.
"Are you hungry?" I ask her. She flips her head down and ties her hair in a high pony tail. Her baby hair falls out right away which makes me smile.
    "Mmmmmm I'm not sure. Let's go check your kitchen." She tells me. She walks out my bedroom and I follow her.
    "Where is your father?" She asks as we enter the kitchen.
    "Not sure. Lemme call him." I say grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I call him but he doesn't answer.
    "I should text my mom and let her know I'm awake." She says.
*end of Jacobs point of view*

I text her as I sit down at the center island in the kitchen. She quickly responds.
    "I know where you dad is," I say. Jacob looks up at me with a confused look.
    "Where?" He asked.
    "He is with my mother. I guess they went out together to get us donuts," I tell him. He smiles.
    "Cool! Yummy donuts" he says which makes me laugh. Ding! My phone goes off and I look at the screen.
    "They will be here in 10 minutes she said" I told him.
    "Then I guess we don't eat anything," he says closing the refrigerator.
    "I better got home and change before my mother comes. I can't show her what I wore to bed with you," I say.
    "What's wrong with what your wearing?" He asked me.
    "It's a little too revealing," I answer.
    "I like it." He says with a shy smile. I have him a smile in return.
    "I'll be right back. Let me go change!" I yell as I run out his house. I run next door and grab the spare key from under the mat. I'm not sure why we keep the key there. So easy to find.
  I open the house door and run up the stairs. I go into my room and close my bedroom window to make sure Jacob won't be able to see me. I run into my walk in closet and grab a short and white flowy dress. I put it on and slide on my light purple Vans. I run down the stairs and out my house locking the front door behind me.
  I run into his house and into the kitchen. Then I hear the car pull into the drive way.
    "Just on time," Jacob says with a laugh.
     "Yeah I know," I reply. I look at him to find him scanning my body. He is blushing as he looks at my dress. I wore this dress for him because I think I look nice in it.
    "You look beautiful in that dress Bree," he says just as the front door opens. I run to my mother and give her a big hug.
    "Morning my little angle," she says to me. Jacobs dad walks into the house with a box of donuts. He sets them on the table.
    "Thanks for allowing me to stay here last night," I tell him while walking over to the table.
    "No problem brianna. I know your a good friend of Jacobs. " he tells me. My mind quickly takes me back to last night where Jacob and I was about to kiss in the swimming pool before I slipped.
    "Yep. Good friends," I say while opening the box and pulling out a chocolate glazed donut. 
    "Well I was thinking of having a barbecue today." His father tells him.
    "Who is coming?" Jacob asks.
    "Just us. And also Priscilla and brianna." He says with a smile. I look at my mom and smile.
    "Yes we would love to be there." She tells him.
    "I would need to go to the store right now if you don't mind." He says.
    "Oh. I'll come with you," my mother offers.
    "Perfect," he replies. "Well on the road again." My mother walks out the house with him and they close the door. I turn to Jacob.
    "Well I guess we are going swimming again," I say with an exiting smile. He laughs.
    "Well I should go get ready. I'm pretty sure our bathing suits already dried from last night." He says walking up the stairs. I follow him into his room.
    "I'm gonna get dressed real quick,"he says walking into the bathroom. He closes the bathroom door.
    "I'm going to go over to my house to get a bathing suit," I say.
    "But your suit is here from last night,"he says.
    "Yeah I know but I have a better looking one that makes me look cuter." I reply. 
    "Alrighty but I doubt you can get any cuter then you already are." He said.
    "Trust me Ima make you pass out when you see me in this suit!" I yell while laughing.
    "I like how your not afraid to say what's on our mind brianna. I like that about you," he told me. I blushed and walked out of his room and put his front door. I went back home and into my bedroom. I walked into my closet.
    "Okay now time to look hot for Jacob." I tell myself.

*well that's it for this chapter! Please vote and comment down below!Even tell me your ideas and Maybe your ideas will be in the next chapters.Love you all!*

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