One: the text

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*sigh* "I'm soo bored. " Melody sighs as she puts in the chat log of minecraft: "gtg see u later" and logs off. She slouches in her chair and sighs. Two minutes later she gets a text from josh
Josh: Hey Mel!
Me: hey..
Josh: can u meet me at my house?
Me: sure when?
Josh: In about 1 hour
Me: k. Cya then

Well finally a cure for her boredom arrives. She changes into a cream colored tank top and a ripped plad jacket.
About 10 minutes later she hops in her car and drives to Josh's place. When she gets to Josh's place she knocks on the door.  "Mel!" Josh exclaims. He wraps his arms around her. Soon they are both blushing. "Hey..wanna play some legend of Zelda?"  "Sure, why not."  He drags her to the gaming room where a 3,000 sqare feet tv is up with two speakers and 3 different consoles. They decided on the PlayStation. "Okay! Let's get started!" "Take that!" "And that!" "And some of these!"  "Damnit!" Josh exclaims.  And he glances at melody. "Her long blue emo hair... those glasses.. I'm gonna tell her." "H-hey Mel? " "yeah josh?" Tomorrow is your birthday right?" "Yeaa..." josh grabs her hand and leans toward her

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