Two: The Suprise

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"J-josh? Why are you staring l-like that?" Melody couldn't help but blush. " You see Melody.. we've been good friends since high school right?"  "Yeah...."  "Well.... will you be my......". Oh god. He's gonna ask me... "Roommate?" "YES!!! I'D LOVE TO BE YOUR...wait wha?? Roommate?  What about your huge house?" She asked.  "Yeahhhh.. it's getting Repossessed next week." Josh admitted.  "Oh, well I'd love to help you!" Melody said cheerfully.  "Really Mel? Thanks!" Josh grinned. "We'll start tomorrow morning at 6."  She stated. "Wait 6? But that's sooo early!"  Josh whined. "Well.. we gotta  start a early as possible right? You're lucky you called on a Tuesday." Melody said. 
She began to head out the door. "Wait.. Mel?" "Yes Josh?" He put his hand on her shoulder.  "Will you be my girlfriend? I've loved you for a long time and I know you have too. So will you?"  Melody's heart melted. "Of course josh. I'd love t-" Melody was cut off because Josh has kissed her. I knew his lips were always soft. When they decided they needed air, they let go. "Well. Well. Well. Looks like mister macho finally popped the question. " Zack, Josh's brother had been watching the WHOLE kiss.  "Hello Zack. " Melody said in a slightly-annoyed voice.  "Hey, is Zack moving in too?" "Nah. He's going to Canada to study at a college for a scholarship he got."  Jack explained. "Well see ya tomorrow then."  " see ya."  Josh said. "Oh, and one more thing." " what?" "I love you." Josh smiled. "Love you too." Melody said and headed out the door.

Hoii peeps! Sorry I wasn't able to do an intro but It was real late soo yea... 😐 anyways, enjoy the story since I put more effort in this chapter!

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