Cold Hearts (Algee Smith)

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You know they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but in my experience with distance it just makes the heart grow colder.

*6:35 pm*

"Algee this is the third time I've tried calling you today can you please call me back I'm worried."

I slammed my phone down on my bed while letting out a long sigh. My boyfriend Algee and I have been at odds ever since he went off on tour with his band. I'm not sure where the tension sprang from. He and I have been together for two years and his career was never an issue. Now dont get me wrong our relationship wasn't a walk in the park, but it was as close to perfect that you can have when one person was always far away.

I dialed my boyfriends number one more time holding the iphone up to my ear. The phone rang three times before I heard her voice come through the reciever.

"Hey Sky!" Her voice sounded sweet. A little to sweet in my opinion because the girl on the line already knows my feelings for her.

"Hi Liz, where's Gee?" I sounded harsh but I really didn't care, I could feel my worry turn into agitation as the seconds ticked on.

"He's in the shower right now, but I'll have him call when he gets out." The line went dead, and my anger peeked!

"God damnit!" I yelled getting off my bed. I was mad. not even mad I was pissed! Livid, I wanted to rip Liz and Algee a new one. Who the hell did she think she was talking to me like I was beneth her? And who the hell did my boyfriend- soon to be ex boyfriend if I don't calm down- think he was letting another girl in his room while he showered? I'm not the jealous type but I knew how much Liz wanted him for herself, and I couldn't help but be mad when she waved the fact the she was with him in my face.

I paced my room pulling my long brown hair into a tight bun. I swear I saw red tint my entire room. I walked into my bathroom and splashed some water onto my face, willing myself to calm down. But I couldn't calm down, and all the water in the world wouldn't change that. I walked back into my room and stared at my phone. It had stickers all over it, most of them were things Algee wrote and stuck to my phone. There were cute quotes and lyrics from my favorite songs, but my favorite thing was a love note that Algee wrote on our one year anniversary. It said "Forever and always my girl". I stared at that phrase thinking about him. About how good things were a few months ago. I thought about how Algee would call me at least two times a day. Even when we were in different time zones he found away to talk to me. He would always say how much he missed me, and just the fact that I'd be waiting for him when he got home kept him happy on the road.

Before I knew it tears were falling from my eyes. I wiped them with a fist, trying to keep it together. It seemed like the harder I tried to be strong the more i fell apart. Suddenly I heard my phone ring "Thinking out Loud" which was my ringtone for my man.

"Gee" I called out my voice was a mix between anger and sadness.

"Sup?" He sounded annoyed. I could sense this conversation wouldn't end well.

"That's all you have to say to me? 'sup'. Wow nigga nice to talk to you too." I scoffed before beginning to pace my room once more.

He chuckled and the sound sent an awful chill to my spine. "Nah" He responded before talking to someone in the background.

"Are you serious Algee?!" I yelled my body coming to a complete stop.

"What?" He questioned even though he didn't sound confused at all. He knew me and just how to push my buttons. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"What the fuck is your problem?" My anger went through the roof in a matter of seconds. I heard my boyfriend sigh on the other end of the phone.

"I don't know." He sounded tired and stressed but my emotions were out of wack and I couldn't be bothered to get rid of my fustration.

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