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the kids in my history class love america.

in a few years they'll vote republican, in a few years they won't be pulled over every time a cop sees dark skin or stopped in an airport because their wife is in a hijab, and in a few years they'll walk free from a sexual assault charge. the jury knows math after all, and white = innocent and woman = liar, right?

america. where the government cares more about which bathroom a thirteen year old is using than a brown child eating a sleeve of crackers for dinner because mommy's making 54 cents to the white man's dollar.

and in america we're saluted for being a diverse country, for being a motherfucking melting pot, but diverse just means different and different means wrong. we're a melting pot filled with ingredients that hate each other for not being the same.

and lgbtqia is just for people who want to be different, for special snowflakes, but newsflash: no two snowflakes have the same design. every snowflake is a special fucking snowflake.

but the kids who's gender is different than the one stated on their birth certificate, all of them have nooses tied around throats and maybe that's why their voices will never sound the way they want them too.

america! oh beautiful america, romanticized ideal that it is. unload a clip into a black man's chest and walk around unscathed because you've got a badge on your chest. call my best friend a terrorist, murder a transgender woman, shoot up a gay club! we've got mountains shaped like presidents, so honestly, who gives a shit?

i'm afraid to hold my girlfriend's hand.

scrape away the glorified bullshit they feed us, and you'll see a nation being suffocated. you'll see a nation with fingers clawing at throats, our own throats, their throats, we're strangling ourselves. this is a country where oxygen isn't free, let me pull it from your lungs.

we're dying here.

and that's not something to celebrate.

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