Part 3

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"Why the fuck do you have Stiles' jersey in your bag?!"

All I can do is open my mouth as I try to think of an answer. I mean, I had only accepted it as a friend, and I thought she was mad at me so she wouldn't care. But, I don't think that's a good excuse for accepting it.

I'm definitely not mentioning the conversation about Stiles wanting to ask me out after what I just did with Lydia. She'll freak out even more. But, we're not a defined thing, and I don't know what's going on between me and Stiles. How did I get in this situation?

She took my silence as a bad thing, and I mentally curse myself for not being able to fucking explain anything well or in time. "Oh my god! He asked you to wear it! Didn't he?!" Her voice is higher than usual, and I know that there is no good answer to this so I just nod.

She scoffs at me, causing a painful ping in my chest. "And you accepted it?" I just nod again. "Wh-why would you accept this from him? I told you what it means this morning!" She lowers her voice from a yell, and now she just sounds confused and exasperated.

I open my mouth to answer, but she cuts me off. "Oh my god..... are you dating him now? How could you be with me just now and be dating him?!" I can tell she's getting worked up again because her voice went back to being high.

I close my eyes and take a breath. "No, Lyds. We're not dating. He asked me to wear it as one of his best friends. You yourself told me it didn't have to be romantic." I look up at her hoping that she's understanding.

She crosses her arms and waits for me to continue. "It was in the hallway after you started acting weird in class, and I was sad about it. He comforted me and asked me to wear it as a friend," I trail off when I realize I'm rambling.

Her face softens, and she uncrosses her arms. "Why didn't you mention it before if he asked you to wear it as friends? Like, before we just did that?" She gestures to the bed, and I lower my head guiltily.

She moves to sit on the bed next to me, and I pull the sheet up further to cover myself. I sigh and open my eyes, looking anywhere but at her.

"Well, when I first got here I was just worried about why I thought you were mad at me. And then, all of this happened," I say, gesturing to the bed like she did before continuing, "and honestly, the jersey was the last thing on my mind while I was being with you. Intimately." I blush and she lifts my head to look at her.

"I get it. I did have you a little distracted from the real world for a while." We both laugh.

Thoughts run through my mind as I try to figure out how to tell her that Stiles and I might have more than friendly feelings for each other. She catches me zoned out and waves her hand in front of my face.

"Helloooo?" I shake my head out of my thoughts, and she giggles.

"Hmm?" I say, snapping my eyes back to focus on her.

"You looked a little spaced for a second." She tucks a piece of hair behind my ear before getting up from the bed to continue getting dressed. She tosses me my clothes, and I stand from the bed to get dressed quietly.

I notice her watching me. "What? Do I have something on me? Is my hair weird?" I say smoothing down the hair on my scalp. I finish dressing, and she laughs and walks over to me to cup my face.

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