The tour

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I'm skipping to tour because I can.

"Rachel get up" I heard Kirstie yell from the kitchen. I wake up and walk to the kitchen. I look at my phone and see that it's tour day. I'm still getting used to seeing pentatonix everyday cause you know, THEY ARE THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD LIKE EVER SO, yeah I'm sill getting used to it. I see Kirstie made 3 breakfast burritos. "Hey good morning Rachel. You can pick one of the burritos and go sit on the couch if you want. Just know that when you get done eating we need check and see if we have everything. We need to leave at 11 AM to head to Esther's" Kirstie said while she started cleaning the kitchen. "Will do Kirstie" I said while grabbing one of the plates and walk over to the couch. I see on twitter Kirstie posted something on her twitter with me tagged in it. I look at it and it says "I have a surprise for tour and I think @Rachel_PTX1 knows what it is". I quote it and say "really I don't think I do😂😂". Everyone starts DMing me and asking what it is. All I say is this"🚌". People start guessing and no one gets it right. "Rachel quit teasing the fans" I hear Kirstie yell from the kitchen. I yell "you started doing it first".  The day I arrived Everyone from ptx gave me their number. Mitch Texted me and said "stop teasing the fans Rachel. It's almost as bad as #soon"
I texted him back saying "since I'm still a fan, I know that nothing is as bad as #Soon" I laugh to myself then turn my phone off. I finish my burrito and then walk to the kitchen. I put my plate in the sink then rinse it off. I turn off the water then put my plate in the dishwasher. I grab my bag then go to the bathroom. I put on a comfy outfit cause we are going to be loading the bus today. I'm so excited. I hope the crew likes me. What if they don't. Will they make Kirstie take me home? My thoughts get interrupted by Kirstie yelling "Rachel are you almost ready" "a few minutes then I'm good" I yell back. I start looking around then making sure I have everything packed in my bag. I open the bathroom door and yell "Kirstie I'm ready" "okay let's go get in the car" Kirstie says. I grabbed all my bags then headed towards the car. Kirstie grabbed my bags then tried to lift them into the car. "Need help there Kirst?" I say to Kirstie. She sighs and says "I guess" I grab my bags from her and lift them into the car. She does her bags then we get in the car.

After a 20 min ride we pull into Esther's. I haven't met Esther yet but I hope she likes me. "You told the crew about me coming on tour right" I ask Kirstie. "Yeah they know about it but they just haven't met you" Kirstie says. I get out of the car then get my bags from the backseat. I see a car pull up next so I scoot close to the car. Once the car stops I continue walking to the tour bus with Kirstie. I step inside the tour bus and wow. It's much bigger than it is in real life then it was on a screen. Kirstie shows me where to put my bag then she shows me my bunk. "Hey you are right next to me. But the bad thing is is that we are both short and we are on the top" Kirstie says to me. We walk out of the bus and wait for the others. I see some people get out of a car. It's Kevin and Avi! "Hello meat and potatoes" I hear Kirstie call from beside me. "Hey blondies" Kevin says meaning both of us. (This is when Kirstie had her blonde hair) Avi comes out with only a few bags. He walks over to me and Kirstie and says "Hey Kirstie, Hey Rachel" Both Kirstie and I both say "hey Avi" once we have everyone which is me, Kirstie, Kevin, and Avi packed up we now just wait on scömíche. Esther walks out and walks to me and Kirstie. "You must be Rachel! I've heard so much about you!" Esther says to me. I smile to that. "Hey you do the side mouth thing Kirstie does don't you?" Esther asks me. "I do" I say. "The side mouth thing. Wow Es" Kirstie says while trying to act offended. She starts smiling then we all bust out laughing. "Scott and Mitch need to hurry. They needed to be here 10 min ago" Esther says. Right as Esther says that a car pulls up. I see Scott and Mitch get out. Mitch gets his bags and walks up to Kirstie and I. "Now that queens is how to be fashionably late" Mitch says. We all bust out laughing again. He puts his bags away while Scott when to join him. After Scott put his stuff back up we all walked inside the tour bus. "Hey guys you wanna hit the road!" I hear Genevieve yell from the front of the bus. "AND DONT YOU COME BACK NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE" all the ptx members yell at the same time. We all laugh at that.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated this book in a while but I haven't had any ideas for this book. But I do now. This was an awkward ending but who cares. I love you all so much!

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