Part 1

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Tony's fingers tap on the steering wheel of his 1966 Mustang as he, Sky and Clay drive along. They had ended up telling Sky about the tapes, and she fit the pieces together. Now there they sat together, driving along to who knows where.
Sky sigh, leaning forward between the two boys.
"I'm bored." Clay glances at Tony and he stops tapping.
"Well, what do you want to do?" Clay leans farther back in his seat at the sound of Tony's voice.
"Let's go to a club, it's already 9:30." Tony takes a quick glance at Sky, brows drawn together.
"No." He states making Sky pout.
"But Tony~. It will be fun! Please?" Tony's hands grip the steering wheel and he peeks at Clay who is looking out the window. Sky glances between the two and looks at Clay as well. "What do you think Clay, won't it be fun?" She grins, knowing if Clay says yes then Tony will cave in. He jolts slightly and looks at his two friends.
"What oh sure, Sky yeah whatever you said." He sputters and she chuckles.
"See? Clay if fine with it, come on Tony lets go have fun." Sky, wiggles her eyebrows at Tony and he sighs.
"Fine, but-"
"Nuh uh!" Sky buts in, "No buts, no rules, just fun and alcohol. But first we must prepare" Tony nods, and begins to set course to their new destination.

They arrive around 11 o'clock and Tony parks in front of the building with the flashing lights. Sky steps out, donning a black corset dress and combat boots. Tony, closes his door, black jeans hugging his legs as his white shirt and leather jacket tighten in all the right places. And finally, Clay practically stumbling out of the car sports a new makeover. Nothing he had owned had been approved by Sky, and he ended up dressed in Tony's larger clothes. He wore a white button up that was a bit too small, hugging his thin frame, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A black tie knotted loosely around his neck and a pair of black ripped jeans. Clay was quite happy with it, seeing it as a cooler version of himself. Sky finally smiled. And Tony. Well Tony just loved seeing Clay dressed in his clothes.
When they entered the club, Sky had wandered off as Clay followed Tony to the bar. Taking a seat at the bar Clay ran his hands through his hair, messing it up a bit. Flagging the bartender over he turned toTony.
"What do you want?" He asked and Tony cocked a brow in his direction.
"Are you sure that's the wisest-" Clay cut him off as he spoke to the bartender.
"Hey..." He glances at her name tag and continues "Ivy, we would like four shots of lime vodka please." She smirks at him and gave a flirtatious look,
"Sure thing honey." Tony clenched his fists and looked at Clay to see he was completely oblivious.
At some point, Tony had gone off to the bathroom and Clay simply kept taking shots. No longer feeling the burn down his throat as he knocked them back, he lost count after number 7 or so. When Tony returned he had to pause as he drunk in Clay's appearance. His cheeks flushed, glancing around the room with dark eyes. Goodness he didn't know the boy could look so innocent and so, dirty.
Clay stumbled up, resting his hands on Tony's shoulders for support.
"I'm, uh, I'm gonna go dance," he mutters, voice slightly rough as his tongue fumbles with the words. Tony watches as he goes and is so very tempted to follow.
Clay weaves through the crowd to the dance floor and begins to feel the bass of the music resonate inside of him. He finds himself moving, his hips swaying back and forth to the beat, hands unsure of what to do as the alcohol courses through him. Someone steps up behind him off pressed up against his back and he leans his head back, whoever it was, not that he cared, was tall. His hands found something to do and laced behind the strangers neck. Mr Mysterious lay his hands on Clay's hips, moving them along with the music. They danced with one another, Clay shifting in his grasp, facing Mr Mysterious and winding his arms around his neck.
The man ground forward, he ground back, groaning at the feeling. His mind hazy, feet feeling as if they weren't even touching the floor. His face felt hot, a deep flush filling his cheeks as he began to feel a bit too warm, reaching up he loosened the tie around his neck a bit more, unbuttoning the first few buttons in a rush. The music changed and he moved his hands to the mans chest, shimmying down trailing his hands in his wake. To the point where his nose brushed against Mr Mysterious's cock, feeling it strain against its confines, rising to a standing position once more. Turning, Clay pressed his back to the mans front as he continued to dance.
Tony grew bored of the bar and decided to go find Clay on the dance floor. Maneuvering through the crowd, he avoided sharp elbows as he looked for the blue eyed boy. The flashing lights bounce off of everything, making it a bit difficult. But he did find him, and he wanted to snarl. There Clay was, dancing against Ryan. His hands holding onto him as the dirty bastard let his hands roam. Striding forward he, wrapped a hand around Clay's waist, pulling him away from Ryan in distaste. Clay simply wrapped his arms around Tony's neck, lazy half smile on his lips.
"Tony~" his drunken voice purred.
"Don't touch him Ryan, don't you have some thot to grind on?" Tony sneered and Ryan curled his lip.
"It's not my fault Brad wanted me instead." He smirked as Tony flinched. Tensing up. Just as he was about to step forward, Clay grabbed Tony's hands moving them to his neck. Stepping in front of him.
"Tony dance with me, don't be mad, just ignore him." The somehow coherent sentence left Clay's lips, guiding Tony's body to dance with his.

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