- Chapter 1 -

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Aria's POV :

Hey Kaysay! Can you meet me at the lab tonight? It's urgent.' I messaged Kaysay while I was on my way to my History class.

She replied instantly,

'yeah sure! By the way I'm on my way to class just got some work to do ;)'

'Ok ' I replied before putting my phone inside my bag and entering the class.

"Ouch!", did I just get hit by a paperplane? I saw a paperplane lying near my foot and I got so pissed off that I outbursted at some idiot who was laughing at me. I mean guys I'm really not in the shitty mood for all this stuff!

"WHAT THE FUCK!", I shouted at the idiot who started laughing even harder. I felt myself boil with anger and eyes burning with rage when I went straight up to the last seat of the row where the asshole was sitting and held him by the coller. I could feel lots of gazes upon me and I could feel my fangs coming out, so I instantly dropped him and covered my face with my bag as I ran out of the class without letting the asshole utter a single word.

I ran as fast as I could, as far as my legs could take me and I reached the janitor's closet. I sat on the floor inside the room with my hands on my knees and head bent down as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Why me?", I whispered to myself as several tears rolled down my cheek. There were mixed emotions I was coming up with, some of grief, guilt and pain. I waited until my fangs disappeard and I slowly took my books which were lying beside me when I heard a loud thud and I got up with a jolt.

"I knew you'd be here!"

"Marchelle!", I shouted with all of my tears coming back as I ran and hugged her with all the energy I was left with.

"Hey! I know what happened, it's ok", she said trying to shush me but I could say none of that was working right now as I kept sobbing till all my tears dried up. I was in her arms and I felt much better after all that crying and we decided to finally break free.

"Aria, vampires need to control their anger and so do you", she said trying to make me understand.
"I know but trust me I wasn't in the mood today!"
"Ok I understand, but why aren't you wearing your fang stone locket today? None of that would have happened if you had worn that locket", she asked.

If you guys are wondering what a 'fang stone locket' is, well it disables the powers of a vampire and basically deters the fangs from coming out.

"I forgot it in the lab!", I said with a hint of embarrassment in my tone.

"Well it's your fault then", she said emphasizing on the word 'your' with a serious expression on her face.

"I know, I know, by the way where is Dammy?", I asked her. Dammy is the nickname of my boyfriend Damion. I kept it a long time ago when we first met and got really close to each other.He is a head member of the the Vampire Institute. (Just to let you know, he is the only vamp boyfriend who can make me laugh and no one else. By no one I mean no one else except for my two besties.)

Since my family ditched me after knowing that I was a vampire, I started to live and grew up in the Vampire Institute. The same happened with Michelle although Kaysay and Damion's story was different. Their families were already vampires which eased out the pain for them.

"He's taken a day off as he had some work at the Institute", she said casually.

"Oh I see....and what about Kay? She told me she was on her way to class", I asked her doubtfully.

"She'll probably arrive during lunchtime, according to what she messaged me, I think Damion's gonna come too just to meet you"

"Oh ok", I said wondering why Kaysay and Damion didn't message me.

"Come on now, we have English next and then finally...LUNCHTIME", she said with a sheepish smile as she looked at her wrist watch "exactly ten more minutes for the class to start, HURRY UP".

"Yeah let's go", I said as we both left the janitor's closet and headed towards our English class.


English was way boring than I expected and we are currently seated far away at the last table in corner of the whole cafeteria. By 'we' I mean Michelle and I. We cannot sit with any other student possibly because we ate or more specifically 'drank' blood. No one could see us from here and that was the best part.

Michelle was talking about random stuff like how she met this 'cute' guy (according to her) named Jase at the institute and how they got along very well and shit. As she kept on blabbering stuff I wasn't even listening to, I saw some girl approaching us.

"Kaysay!", Michelle shouted as she ran and gave her a bone crushing hug while I was laughing like a maniac seeing Kaysay's uneasiness. Sometimes I need only these two around me when my mood is off. These two are like the best people on Earth including Dammy. By Dammy I realised "Where's Damion?", I asked them.

"I dunno he said he was gonna be here", Kaysay said.

"I'm right here babe!", someone who was behind me said as I felt two muscular hands wrap around my waist and at once I knew it was Damion.

"Dammy!", I squealed childishly as I put my hands around his neck and hugged him as he hugged me back.

"That nickname though!", he said as he laughed.

"Why didn't you come to school today? I missed you so much", I said as I saw Michelle and Kaysay rolling their eyes at our immature behavior.
"Sorry babe had some work at the institute".

"Whatever! If you don't come tomorrow as well I'm gonna punch you hard", I said as I playfully gave him a not-so-hard punch in his torso.

"Ouch! That hurt!", he said even though I knew he was just acting so I gave him a peck on his lips and he just smirked.

"Come on guys if you are over with....whatever you were doing", Michelle said as she laughed.

"Yeah I'm hungry!", Kaysay said as she removed some blood from her bag.
"I'm hungry too, let's drink blood", I said as we all sat down around the table.


"Goodbye babe", Damion said as he kissed me on the forehead and headed towards his black Lamborghini.
"Goodbye Dammy!", I said after which he finally left.

"Come on vamps, let's go to our classes", Kaysay said.
"Yep! Let's go!", Michelle said popping the 'p' as we headed towards our classes.


So guys, I hope you liked the first chapter! Please vote and comment if you liked it! A reminder for you all, please no hates accepted! If you all did not like it then please avoid reading this book. It's a request.

A question
What do you think about Damion and Aria's chemistry?

I'm probably thinking about ship names like Amion? Or maybe Daria?

Please choose your ship name or make up something and mention it in the comments section!

Goodbye for now readers! The next chapter will be coming soon.....

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