The Breakup (Intro)

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          I ran as he was about to say the words. I knew exactly what Xiumin was going to say. He was going to tell me he found someone else, but I couldn't take that for an answer. I just nodded and said I understood before I ran off. I don't know if he saw my tears forming but he made sure things were over between us because just as I ran he grabbed me. He asked if we could still be friends. I tried to struggle out of his iron grip, but my wrist showed no sign of coming loose so I nodded my head vigorously, because I couldn't think of anything else, as I held back tears. He smiled, which made my heart shatter even more if that was possible.
          I ran as fast as I could. I didn't even know how many corners I turned but I just know I don't ever want to turn back. As I continued to run to no where I tripped over someone. I was about to say sorry but as I stared into those beautiful eyes I knew completely that I could not turn back.

          I'm glad when he said we could still be friends. As I let my grip loose he ran. I felt really bad but I couldn't when Chen showed up behind me. I smiled as I saw that perfect face of his. I didn't believe in love at first sight until I met him.      It when I met him I knew my life will change. I knew I could see a new world with him. It was a complete different feeling from looking at Luhan. I knew my heart was his the moment we made eye contact.
          He frowned, so like domino effect I started  frowning as well. I asked why he was frowning. He said he didn't want me touching anybody except him.  I grabbed him around his neck and pulled him down to eye level and chuckled a ok out. He pressed his warm lips against mine and for a moment the wintery night became warm. He pulled away realizing I wasn't kissing back. The younger asked why. I told him I still felt guilty. I haven't even finished before he kissed me again this time I kissed back. I won't let anybody break us.

          Someone ran into me as I was bending down to grab my soda form the vending machine. I was about to tell them off as I stared into the most round, beautiful, tear filled eyes I have ever seen. Those eyes were just like those of a deer, so innocent. I saw a forever in his eyes. I saw my existence. I don't remember how long we stared at each other but I knew the second he stared back he couldn't pull his eyes away either.
Sorry for the short chapter. Please comment, would love to read them. 😁 Give suggestions. But I don't want any sexual content. Thank you. Oh, also I will give a shoutout to five commenters that stand out every chapter and maybe include them into the story. Please state if long chapters are better or if you prefer short chapters.

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