Chapter 1: Two Factions

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Jayna Wildflower, a beautiful Abnegation. She had a 'proper' life, leading the faction was one of them.

She had a husband already, though they did not have a child. Her husband loved her dearly, and she did.


You see, behind her husband's back, she was having an affair with another man. But, he is of another faction. A man from Dauntless.

She would disguise herself as a person from Dauntless (you know, fake tatoos, black clothes, make up, stuff like that), go to his house, and 'have fun'.

One day, she went to her lover again. Fourth time this month.

"Hello, miss me?" She said.

"Defintely." Her lover kissed her then hugged her. No one knew about the lover's whereabouts when it came to Janya. It was terribly secret.

"Come with me..." He says softly.

He pulls Janya's hand, and they go upstairs.



Cliffhanger, I guess you can figure out what's going to happen next.

I have a sick mind.

Whatever, it makes the story have the future.

I didn't want to type all of the 'next scenes'. So I didn't.

Anyway, you can figure it out.


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