Chapter 2: A 'Few' Years Later

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Her name was Zoey Wildflower. Daughter of Jayna Wildflower and George Wildflower. She was Abnegation, obviously. She was raised in a quiet household. Suprisingly, she looked nothing like her father. Her mother tends to act weirdly. Not like abnormal, just off. She would stare into Zoey's steel blue eyes-which none of her parents had-then look away, jaw tightening and all.

(A/N: by now, you can probably guess what I mean.)

She was quiet at times, but she was sometimes other than that. Which got her plenty of scoldings at home.

Zoey was just walking home, her grey robe drifted in the wind.

Beside her was her friend, Danny. It was late already and they were almost home.

"So, 'the thing that shall not be named' is next nervous?" Danny asks.

'The thing that shall not be named' was a code name for the aptitude test, which of course was followed by the Choosing Ceremony. The test was where in they would find out what faction they belong in, then they would choose in the Choosing Ceremony.

Zoey hated that. Completely.

"I guess, you?" She looked at her shoe.

"Pretty much. I wonder what I'm gonna get." He said.

Zoey was to busy thinking, she didn't notice she was at her house already. A house the same as every other made with cement. Extravagance is vanity in Abnegation.

"Well, bye." She waved at Danny and entered her house.

As she entered her house, she can see her mother preparing dinner.

Peas. Yum.

"Hello mother." Zoey bows, it is the common gesture in her faction.

"Hello Zoey. Who was with you going home?" Her mother turns to her for a moment then back at the peas.

"Uh, Danny." Zoey replies.

"Oh, yes, him." Her mother nods.

"Have a seat. I'm almost done." She says. But it sounds a bit off. Zoey knew that meant her mother was waiting for her to says something. She knew what to say.

"Oh, should I go get dad?" She says. Her mother nods.


"The peas are ready." Zoey's mother sets the peas on the dining table. They say their graces first, then place their own share of the food.

"Just got another article from the Erudite. Hm. The title is, 'The Dauntless, Brave or Barbaric?'. The Dauntless are known for their bravery and protecting the fence. But their loud and somewhat hostile behavior tells us, could it be that under all the brave exterior is a barbarian waiting to mess up?"

Zoey noticed, when her dad said 'Dauntless', her mom somehow flinched a bit.

"Mom, why did you flinch?" Zoey asks, she knew curiosity was unbecoming of a Abnegation, but she couldn't help it.

Her mom's eyes became wide open.

"Um, I accidentally swallowed my peas as a whole." She said in a fast manner. Zoey didn't mind it much.

Her dad continued and continued, Zoey just listened while eating her peas.

"Example, a few days ago, a Dauntless citizen almost shot another citizen's head while trying to fire a gun. People from Erudite presumed the man to be drunk at the moment." He said.

"Such malice...the Erudite can't be serious." Zoey blurted, standing up.

"Zoey. Sit down." Her mother says with a stern voice. Zoey slowly sits down with her head down.

"Okay," her father clears his throat, "Next, a Dauntless woman was reported to accidentally stab a Candor man. Fact, he was a senoir citizen and he was stabbed in the hand with a fork. So I ask you, Dauntless, brave or barbaric?"

"The Erudite is accusing the Dauntless this time? Come on." Her father says, her mother just stays quiet.

"Why so quiet, mom?" Zoey tilts her head to the side. Her parents just ignored her question, she knew she shouldn't have asked, curiosity drew attention, and drawing attention to yourself is a sign of vanity.

"Um. Zoey, can I tell you something in private? Sorry, George. This is important. I need to...correct her." Her mom says. Zoey' dad just nodded.

She stood up, went upstaris, and Zoey followed.

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