Chapter: Secret

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Zoey enters her room with her mom. They sit on her bed. She waits for her mom to say anything but she just bites her lip and sigh.

But her mom finally spoke.

"Look. I never wanted to tell you this, I also never wanted to tell your dad, for I could become factionless, which meant me parting away from you." She bit her lip again, this time harder.

Zoey steel blue eyes looked down. She predicted what she was going to hear was going to change the way she looked at her mother forever.

"George, I mean 'your dad' isn't your dad."

Zoey noticed when she said 'your dad', she did the air qoute em qoute sign.

"What are talking about?" Zoey asks.

"Your dad isn't your dad." Her mom repeats. "I don't understand." Zoey shakes her head.

Her mother grasps her shoulders tightly, her eyes look like its about show a picture of buring flames. "Listen, I'll be specific, I had an affair with another man, and I was pregnant, not with George's child, but the other man's child...meaning you. But luckily George thought it was his child. Okay?" She snaps.

She burries her face in her hands and swallows deeply.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. You probably hate me now." She says.

Zoey couldn't believe it. This can't be so George, or her dad, wasn't her dad? It was confusing somehow. She wanted to strangle her mom for making her live a lie for sixteen years. But she knew she couldn't.

"Its okay. Can I know what faction he is from? Or what his name is?" Zoey manages to ask, choking every single word. "No. Sorry. I just can't. Maybe it would be better if you didn't." Her mom says.

"Just let me know!" Zoey screams. "Is everything okay there?" Her dad asks. Zoey softened for a moment, she was so loud her dad heard. She had to keep quiet, she had to. She can't let dad know.

"Everything is fine! Just stay there!" Her mom looked at the door, then back at Zoey.

"Look. That's it. I will not tell you anything other than this. Period. Understood?"

Zoey nods.

"Good. Now wash up and sleep." Her mother stands up, and leaves.

Zoey left not thinking properly, her dad was someone she never met? That's insane!

But it does explain certain things...

Her eyes...

The way her mom tends to look at her...

Her personality...

"Ugh. This is too much." Zoey says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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