Chapter Thirty Three

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"Where you are going? Shouldn't we go with Ruby and Reed?" Alden shouted, trying to keep up with her. He scowled when she didn't respond. "Aren't you worried that we got split up? What of this is a trap?" He scrambled after her on the ice.

She skidded to a halt, slamming into the side of the ice wall as they came to an opening, the ravine on the other side. "We split up by choice, Alden. Stop worrying about them and focus on the fact there is a child that could get killed." Colbie looked over her shoulder at Alden, watching his scowl increase in size.

A growling and a sharp yelp broke through the cold air and Colbie turned her head to see a bristling fox against a pack of Aarafs, snapping their jaws at her paws. Klara's ears were lowered, shoulder fur puffed out to make herself seem bigger, but it was no use. They were blind anyway, unable to see exactly what she looked like.

Colbie tried to think of what to do. Any second the animals might leap forward and knock Klara into the ravine or worse, maul her to death. "Alden. Shoot an arrow near the Aarafs to keep them busy so I can pick up Klara and jump across the ravine." That plan was crazy, but so was trying to protect a child from a pack of rabid animals.

Alden gaped. "Are you kidding me? What if you fall?"

Colbie felt the cold breeze on her face coming up from the ravine. "So what? At least Klara will be safe. I'm just a traitor, right?" Colbie said, not looking at him. Before he could say anything, she took off on a run, gathering the attention of the pack. They howled, tongues out, as their claws scraped against the ice to gain speed on Colbie running straight toward them.

Colbie took a breath. Be brave. Alden will protect you. Don't be afraid. Save the child. Don't slip. Keep traction. Save the child.

Save the child.

"What are you doing? You're going to get mauled! Stay back!" Klara shouted, fear in her yellow eyes. "No!" Tail bristling, she gasped as her back paw hit empty air and scrambled forward again to keep herself from teetering over the ravine.

Colbie felt the wind on her face when an arrow flew, hitting the ice. One of the Aarafs stopped, confused on the multiple vibrations from the ground before going right back to running again.

Another thrum, and another, and the pack started to slow down. They whimpered, snapping at the air as Colbie brushed past them to Klara.

Save the child.

Colbie picked Klara up and kept running, ignoring Klara's cries of fear. She felt her feet catch on the ice and she jumped, throwing Klara over to the other side. Klara scrambled to the edge and caught Colbie, letting her dangle there before Colbie started to climb up with Klara's help.

She was a strong child, that's for sure. Colbie grunted, crawling onto the other side. She spun around, watching with wide eyes as Alden stood there, frozen in fear.

Once they were on the other side, the Aaraf's turned to Alden and yipped finally noticing where the vibrations were coming from. They started to run toward him as he dropped his bow, bolting past them.

"Alden! You have to jump! I'll catch you!" Colbie shouted, holding out her hand. Her hand was shaking and Colbie didn't know if it was from the fear or the cold.

Alden froze, staring at Colbie's outstretched hand over the black pit. He shook his head, starting to back up before hearing the excited barks of the Aarafs behind him.

"I promise!" Colbie said, yearning for him to just trust her. He would die if he didn't. "Please! Trust me!" Her eyes widened at him. They might not be on the best of terms but she'll be damned before she'd let a teammate die.

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