Old Enemies

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"So, this is what I managed to learn from this thingy here so far."

Seb had been able to decode his PA settings in seconds. Everyone stood next to him, looking with full attention.

"We are currently in the middle of the first floor, directly by the Great Staircase. On the left side, as we've already seen, is the meeting Chamber, where Rehberg made her speech, as well as the collection of Great-Boards."

Everyone nodded.

"On the right side, the map indicates a big rectangular room called the Main Hall. Further on the back, behind the Main Hall, is the Training Grounds"

"Wow, they really had some imagination with the titles," Mike remarked.

"Our rooms are upstairs like VI Kevin told us. Right staircase for boys, left for girls. On the second floor is the Library. And that's all there is to it, for now."

"Ok, doesn't sound so bad" admitted Mike. "Pretty straightforward actually. I hope you ladies don't get lost."

"If someone like you thinks the layout is easy, then we have absolutely no problems with getting lost," Amy responded.

"Hmm, the new girl has a tongue for speaking as well as singing. I'll be damned."

Amy stuck out her tongue at Mike.

"I am glad you are making new friends, Mike. And you, Amy," said Seb, amused.

Amy turned at his direction and smiled, and Sebastian's face shone brightly. He cleared his throat. "I think it's also a good idea to exchange our PA numbers, before going to sleep."


After the number exchange, they all parted ways at the Grand Staircase. Mike and Seb ascended lazily, dragging their tired bodies, saying their goodbyes to the girls.

John lingered at the end of the Staircase. "Val, can I talk to you?"

Val's desire for the truth was stronger than her tiredness. "Sure."

They waited until Mandy and Amy entered their bedroom, sitting at the top of the Grand Staircase. Val gathered a bunch of approval looks from girls, who smiled sweetly at John. He just smiled back politely.

When the parade was done, John started to talk. He told her everything, about his dreams, his visions, the glimpses of her life.

"I know it's kind of embarrassing but I feel like you've always been my companion, Valentine. Not in a romantic or sexual way," he added hastily, "but just... here, with me. Like a friend who moved to another town, but still kept contact."

Val was sceptical. "Do you also have dreams of other people, except me?"

He contemplated on his answer for a while but then shook his head. "No. Feelings about certain events, premonitions, if you prefer, then yes. I could always foresee and prevent or encourage certain actions. But it's another thing entirely when I see you. The visions I have for you are as clear and detailed as films."

"But why? Why me?"

John sighed. "I don't have the slightest idea."

Val stayed silent for a while, trying to handle his confession. Then she heard John chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"The last dream of you. I thought it impossible at the time, but now..."

"What? Tell me, please" she said smiling, nudging his ribs.

Rising Power (#1 of the Canton Chronicles Series)Where stories live. Discover now