The Plan

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The New Academy -19th October, 200 A.D

The sun was setting slowly in the autumn's sky, giving its way to darkness. The Academy was dark, empty, without voices to be heard. There was only one person sitting in the main entrance's stairs, silent, lost in thought.

Vanessa looked at the setting sun, but her stare was a mechanical one. Her mind was absent.

Where did I go wrong? Which one of my decisions was the worst?

She would wake up from her sleep, almost every night, the dark rings under her eyes a clear sign of her depression. The same dreams, same nightmares. Valentine Stone exploding into million pieces, in front of Henry's terrified eyes.

Vanessa looked at the now abandoned building, and shuddered. She had so many hopes for this Academy, the start of a new era for Canton and her carrier. The false hope that she could control the kids, even after all this incidences of violence and mayhem.

But what really bothered Vanessa, was her inactivity after Val's death. She had become a mindless servant of the Council, obediently closing down the Academy, chasing away her students.

Waking up, going to work like nothing ever happened, gathering a bunch of pity looks from the Counsellors, a recognition of failure. Losing herself in the mountains of paperwork, returning home as late as she could, falling into an uneasy sleep full of monsters and tears, the once strong and determined Vanessa lost.

Aldus Green's attitude had been the last nail in the coffin. Smug, arrogant, the child-killer walked free amongst them, a man of power with a mocking smile, extra-reserved for her.

"Don't let him pull you down, Vanessa. I've already dispatched a bunch of Undercovers to gather evidence for his connections to the crimes. He'll face justice, and pay, I guarantee you that."

Tom Rosenberg's words were nothing but empty promises, Vanessa knew. The man still loved her, and in all honesty, she did too. They were getting closer again, after their meeting with Henry. And the rumours were spreading once more.

Vanessa Rehberg is nothing more than the High Counsellor's bitch. Completely worthless. Anyone else would have been fired, punished for the Academy's failure. But not Tom Rosenberg's favourite.

The cars' tires screeched, and four figures started walking towards her, pulling her out of her disturbing thoughts. Despite her pain, Vanessa smiled. Her chance for revenge was here.

"Quite the scenery you picked up, honey."

Beth shook her head at the sight of the empty building.

"I didn't even know that a house would cause me so much sorrow. I can't stop thinking about this kids, you know? What are they doing, what are they feeling..."

"I know what they are feeling, Beth. Rage. More than sadness and pain. Rage. For the people who caused all this mess, and remain un-punished."

"Don't we all?"

The words, surprisingly, came out of Priscilla's mouth.

"I haven't really slept since the day of the final test."

"I think nobody has", Peter said and hugged his wife tightly, his eyes staring straight at Vanessa's black circles.

"Is there something we can do?"

Guido asked, but it wasn't really a question. He knew very well that justice had to be served.

Vanessa chuckled.

Rising Power (#1 of the Canton Chronicles Series)Where stories live. Discover now