Chapter 25

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You cannot find peace by avoiding life. ~Virginia Woolf.

After another minute, Emma turned to face him. Her face fell. He had grown up so much. He was taller, his face more defined, and she could see the soft layer of stubble beginning to show on his chin.

The officer next to him cleared his throat. "He arrived at the front desk asking if you worked here, Detective Swan."

Emma nodded. "Thank you, Officer Brewer."

The tall man nodded and headed back to the front desk.

Hank had already pulled over a chair for Henry. Not a word was spoken as he sat down.

Henry was the first one to break the silence. "You regret leaving?" he repeated.

Emma swallowed the lump that had formed in the back of her throat. "Sometimes," she mumbled.

He frowned. "Why didn't you come back then?" he asked in a small voice which made Emma think of that small boy she remembered.

"I don't know, kid."

Hank awkwardly cleared his throat. "Well, the Captain will definitely be impressed by how fast you found him," he joked, attempting to break the tension.

Emma shrugged. "He was the one looking for me. It's basically cheating," she responded flatly.

"What about the cop at the front desk? I assume your Captain doesn't know that I'm your son?" Henry piped up.

"Stanley owes me a favour, I'll fill him in," she said, brushing over the topic.

Hank straightened his posture. "Be prepared you two. Here comes the boss."

Emma watched as the Captain made his way over to them. He took one look at Henry and his eyes widened. "I knew you had a good rep for finding people, Swan, but I didn't think you were that good."

Emma cleared her throat awkwardly. "I got lucky," she mumbled.

Henry raised his head. "I was passing by the station when Detective Swan came out. I was just about to explain to her why I ran off," he told the Captain quickly before he had a chance to ask any further questions.

He nodded slowly. "Okay then. Well, Swan, come get me when you've finished and we'll try to contact someone to come and collect him," he said, looking down at Henry towards the end with a small smile.

Henry just sat there in silence.

"I could take him home." The words were out of her mouth before she even realised she was speaking. All eyes landed on her. She shifted nervously. "To make sure he gets home safe and doesn't try to run off again. I know the area, I have a few friends nearby, " she added in quickly.

Henry looked up at her with hope in his eyes and smiled.

She watched as the Captain stood there for a moment to think about it. He soon nodded. "Okay. Call Mrs Blanchard to let her know you've found him and that you're bringing him home," he ordered before heading back to his office again.

"You're not going to stay though, are you?" Henry asked gently.

Emma frowned and shook her head. "No, sorry, kid. The most I could pull is a few days but I can't stay permanently," she explained.

"You don't know what's happened in town. Mom is a wreck, Ma, and has been ever since you left. She barely leaves the house anymore. Grandma had to take over as Mayor, everyone was terrified that she might be turning back into the... her old self," he rambled out, catching himself at the end.

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