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Youngjae's POV

I placed the picture back on the shelf, and looked at my group chats with my friends. There's a reason why I mute them. They were spamming random memes and shit again.

wild.sexy.wang~ did u hear that Mr. Im Jaebum's little girlfriend cheated on him? butt I mean, it wasn't a surprise..she was a whore anyways.

momma.jinyoung~ does this finally mean that our little sunshine finally has a chance? I mean, we all know he has a major crush on him. *insert lenny face*

kookie.monster~except for one problem. mr. choi here ish always a blushing..stuttering..mess around him. haven't u met the kid? lol

sunshine_jae~ jeez guys, hoe nice of you..that is soo not true..in fact..I TALKED TO HIM TODAYYY :D

sunhine_jae~ how*

wild.sexy.wang~...right..we all know how that went -_-

markiepooh~ u started blushing and stuttering, and he was asking for a PENCIL..

sunshine_jae~ ._. wow thanks..

sunshine_jae has logged off

I looked up from my phone and blushed. I tried to deny it, but I knew that what they were saying was true. Except for the part that I liked Im Jaebum. I would never like someone like him. That dude was as straight as a ruler. What a sad life I have.

I decided to call Jinyoung. When he answered, I started to scold him for what they were saying about me.

"Hyung, why were you saying that? I don't like Jaebum that way. We all know he's as straight as a ruler," I told Jinyoung in a stern voice.

"Right..says the guy who becomes a mess around him. And that boy really is as straight as a ruler. You know, one of those bendy ones," Jinyoung snickered over the phone.

I rolled my eyes at the phone and sighed.

"I can sense you rolling your eyes at me. That is no way to treat your mom!" he joked over the phone.

Jinbutt was often called the "mom" of the group. He was always fussing over everyone like the annyong butthead he is. I started laughing out loud.

"Okay hyung. I'm just going to hang up," I said in between giggles.

"Oh okay, I'll talk to you later then. By the way, you should invite us to your house in introduce us to your parents, we would love to meet them," I heard him say.

That struck me really hard.

"Bye," I whispered, trying hard not to cry.

I haven't told anyone, not even my friends, that my parents died. I was afraid of what they would think of me. That's one reason why I always kept a positive attitude.

Again, what a sad life I have, huh?

A/N~ ANother update! Yay! :D I promise that it will Jaebummie's point of view next chapter. Thanks for reading!

my little sunshine; 2jaeWhere stories live. Discover now