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Choi Youngjae's POV 


The bell broke Youngjae out of his thoughts. He had been so deep in thinking, that Youngjae did not realize that he wasn't paying attention at all.

Oh well, I'll just ask Jinyoung-hyung for notes. 

Youngjae then rushed to his next class, bumping into people other way. Once he had got there, he took out his sketchbook, and started to draw. 

After 30 minutes, Youngjae had a sketch of what he was going to paint. Looking closely, he saw that it was Jaebum's back that he drew. 

Youngjae blushed, and started to finalize the drawing, hoping that no one would ever see the drawings of people that he normally drew.

*Time skip 2 classes to lunchtime*

Youngjae walked out of Foreign Language, and then he went to his locker to grab his lunch and ask his hyung for notes, since the older had a locker near his.

There he saw a sight that scarred him for life.

It would forever..ruin his poor innocent eyes.

~end of chapter 6






lol jk..here's the rest.. :))

Jinyoung was slammed against his locker by Mark, and they were making out like there was no tomorrow.

But Youngjae didn't know that. He was wAyy to innocent.

"Mark-hyung! Please stop hurting Jinyoung-hyung! He didn't do anything, so stop bullying him.And stop sharing spit, that's disgusting!" Youngjae yelled out pretty loudly, causing people more people to stare.

They ignored the poor innocent child, until Youngjae ran over to the couple and tried to pull Mark off Jinyoung., telling them to stop fighting and sharing spit. 

It was a funny sight.

The two lovers finally pulled apart, and they started laughing at the younger, who was confused.

"Relax Jae, we're just making out," Mark said ever so casually, causing Jinyoung to give him a mad stare.

"What's making out," Youngjae questioned curiously.

The older guys started laughing even harder at Youngjae's innocence.

"Seriously Jinyoung- hyung! I thought Mark-hyung was was attacking you!"

"Well, I kind of was," Mark smirked and winked at Jinyoung, who shot him another glare. 

"Jae, it was nothing, just forget you saw anything," Jinyoung explained to the younger one.

Youngjae then nodded, and went to grab his lunch from his locker, then he headed to the roof to eat his lunch in his usual spot. 

He loved eating on the roof. it was peaceful, and had a great view. It was also a time away from the chaos called high school. As he ran up the stairs, Youngjae opened the door, and started walking to his spot.

But, someone was already sitting there.





A/N~ Yay...another update. Ya'll should check out my 2jae oneshot, new york.

Here's the link ^~^ 


I hope you like it; it's a city AU :3

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