Chapter 2

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Credence sat in the lounge of the house with some of the other children, most of them reading or coloring. But Credence just sat there, caught up in his own thoughts. The girl from earlier, Elise if he remembered correctly, wandered over to him and hopped up onto the couch. "Hello!" She said happily. Credence didn't answer. "Are you okay, mister," she asked softly, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket. The boy nodded. The girl smiled quickly at the response. "I'm Elise!" She held out a small hand for Credence to shake. He hesitantly took the girl's hand and shook it. Elise laughed and made him hold his hand out so she could see it. "Your hands are so big," she laughed. The oddly happy demeanor of the girl faded when she saw the scars on his hands. "You have the same marks as Miss. (Y/N)." She said, looking up at him. "Some of the other children have them to. Miss (Y/N) says they make us special. You're special too!"

Elise barely got her last sentence out before Credence stood up and quickly made his way to (Y/N)'s room. He had no clue where he was or what the place he was in was, but the fact that the other children had obvious signs of abuse was horrifying to him. They were no older than Modesty was and the idea that they had endured abuse like he had made him feel sick. And (Y/N) had been like that at one point too? He couldn't bear to think of it. He gently knocked on the door and walked in as soon as the woman called for him to enter. "Credence? Is there something wrong?" The boy turned to look at (Y/N). "What is this place?" He asked softly. She set the book she was reading down on the bedside table and slowly stood up. "This is a place for children like you, Credence. Those who have been abused and mistreated for their incredible gift." She explained softly. Credence started to shake in an almost twitching-like manner. "Credence.." (Y/N) walked over and quickly hugged the boy. "Let it out, Credence. I know how awful it must have been growing up, but you are loved here. All of us care about you here. We're a family." Credence buried his face in the crook of (Y/N)'s neck, starting to sob.

He wrapped his arms around her, longing for the affection she was showing him. It should have calmed him down, but it didn't. It just made him cry even more. This is what he had been missing out on for so long. So Credence simply cried until his body couldn't produce anymore tears and he just stood there dry sobbing, his body shaking with every breath he seemed to choke on. And (Y/N) just held him as tightly as she could, never wanting to let go. Credence's thoughts were overwhelming; She couldn't help but catch onto what was going on in his head. After what seemed like forever, Credence pulled away. "I... I'm sorry for bothering you...," he said softly, the usual hunching way he stood appearing again. "It's perfectly alright, Credence. You don't have to apologize," (Y/N) assured him quickly. "I'm not going to get mad at you for many things. I rarely get mad at anyone. You don't need to continue apologizing for everything." She smiled softly and looked at Credence.

(Y/N) held her hand out to Credence. "I know what'll make you feel better." A rather curious look appeared on the boy's face as he took (Y/N)'s hand. "Ice cream," (Y/N) stated simply. A wide smile grew on Credence's face which caused (Y/N) to laugh softly. "God, you're adorable," she said softly. "When the children head to sleep, we'll go get ice cream. Just the two of us." The boy nodded, the smile never fading from his face. "Now, let's go back with the others and maybe play a game? They all seem to love Wizard's Chess." Credence nodded and let (Y/N) lead him back down to the lounge. She gathered the children around the table in the lounge and set up a game of Wizard's Chess. Credence watched as the chess pieces brutally destroyed each other, and after a few turns of the first game, walked back and sat on the couch, deciding the game wasn't exactly for him.

"Too violent?" (Y/N)'s voice snapped him out of the slight trance he was in. He looked up at the girl who had a small smile on her mahogany lips. Credence nodded and moved over slightly, inviting her to sit beside him. She picked up on the slight hint and took a seat beside the boy. "It took me a little while to get used to the idea of sentient chess pieces that ruthlessly destroy each other too." That comment made Credence laugh, the corners of his mouth curling up into a small smile. The slight bit of happiness that Credence expressed made (Y/N) smile. "Can you teach me how to play chess sometime," Credence asked after a few silent seconds. (Y/N) simple smile gave him the answer he needed. "What about magic?" (Y/N) didn't answer Credence for a short time. "I doubt I'm any good at it, but I can try," she finally said. Credence felt his throat tighten, like he was holding back tears.

Percival Graves, the man he had trusted with his life, had called him useless, told him that he would never be able to learn magic. Yet here was this girl, no older than Credence was, telling him that she would teach him as much as she could. He was finally going to be able to learn magic. Credence wanted to cry, to hold this girl as tight as he could and thank her a million times. But he didn't. He kept his quiet and calm composure, simply smiling at (Y/N). "Thank you," he said softly, his voice softer than usual. He wouldn't be surprised if the girl next to him couldn't even hear him speak. It seemed like she had gotten the message with the small nod she gave him.

"Do you know how I got here," Credence asked (Y/N) softly. The girl shook her head. "No. I don't even know exactly what happened to you, Credence. All I know is that you were abused and forced to keep your abilities a secret," she explained softly. Credence let out a shaky breath. "I'm an Obscurus... I destroyed New York City. I didn't mean to do it but I couldn't help it. I was so angry at everyone. I had no idea what I was capable of...," Credence explained, his voice seeming more strained and shaky than usual. "I hurt people and I don't mean to. So I ran away. They thought I was dead but I managed to get away and make my way here." (Y/N) sat on her knees and slightly behind Credence to the side, wrapping her arms around Credence's shoulders from behind him. "You didn't know any better, Credence. You won't hurt anyone here. There's no need for you to act out of fear. I'll protect you with my life," (Y/N) assured him softly. He rested his head back on her shoulder and closed his eyes.

The two sat in silence, Credence just enjoying the soothing feeling of (Y/N)'s chest rising and falling with every breath she took. "Miss (Y/N)... What are you doing?" The familiar voice that belonged to Elise made Credence open his eyes and look down at the small girl standing in front of them. "Credence was sad so I was comforting him," (Y/N) said softly. "Can I help," Elise asked softly. (Y/N) looked at Credence who nodded in response. The girl pulled Elise up onto the couch and sat her on Credence's lap before wrapping her arms around him again. Elise smiled and quickly hugged Credence as well. Credence's thoughts became overwhelming for (Y/N) again. They were happy thoughts again, incredibly happy thoughts. (Y/N) smiled softly and gently kissed Credence's cheek, feeling him start to relax into your embrace.

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