Chapter 3

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Credence stood in the doorway of the room as he watched (Y/N) put Elise to bed. The young girl had fallen asleep cuddled up with him and (Y/N) earlier. A small smile appeared on his face as he watched her care for the little girl like it was first nature. He secretly envied that this girl had such affection at such a young age (he didn't know such affection was even common until recently). It was a dumb thing to be envious of and he knew it. He was an adult. He shouldn't be so desperate for the attention of another, but he was. (Y/N) placed a kiss on Elise's forehead before standing up and heading over to Credence. She shut the light off and gently pushed Credence out of the doorway as she closed the door. Credence took her hand as she headed downstairs. They wandered into the lounge where one girl still sat. "Alice, I'm going out for a little while. Can you hold down the fort while I'm gone," she asked the blonde. "You going on a date," Alice asked, a sly smirk on her face. Alice had to be only a few years younger than (Y/N), about 16 maybe? Credence wasn't sure why she was here, but it was none of his business to know.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and walked over the the girl. "Alice, knock it off. And stop filling Elise's head with these fantasies of relationships, she's barely 6 years old," she scolded. Alice shrugged her shoulders and went back to focus on the book she was reading. (Y/N) sighed softly and walked back over to Credence. "Ready to go?" Credence nodded and smiled a little. (Y/N) smiled in response and took his hand before apparating to another location. "Why does Alice think we're going on a date," Credence asked as they walked down the street. It wasn't incredibly late at night, but the streets were fairly lonely. "She's a romanticist. Everything is all about love with her," (Y/N) explained softly, her hand still holding Credence's. The boy looked at (Y/N), admiring her profile. She always had a smile painted on her face and it amazed Credence how that smile rarely seemed to fade.

As they arrived at a small ice cream parlour and (Y/N) quickly dragged him in. (Look up Rossi's ice cream parlour in Weymouth and the place they're at looks like that). (Y/N) pulled the boy over to the counter. "What do I do," he asked softly. (Y/N) looked over at Credence and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean," she asked. "I've never been to a place like this... and I don't think I've ever had ice cream. Ma never used to let us have sweet things, but Modesty used to sneak candy into the house every once in awhile," Credence explained softly. The girl nodded once. "Well lucky for you, I know exactly what to do and get," she stated proudly. "Go sit down in one of the booths, I got it." She smiled and watched as Credence walked over to a booth in the back corner of the parlour. (Y/N) ordered her usually ice cream order and the same thing for Credence. She walked over to where the boy was and slide him his bowl before taking her seat across from him.

Credence stayed silent as he poked at the ice cream with his spoon, examining the sugary substance. "It's not a science experiment, it's edible," (Y/N) said softly as she started to eat her ice cream. The black-haired boy cautiously took a bite of the ice cream while (Y/N) watched, a rather amused grin on her face. He stayed silent for a few seconds before finally speaking. "This is incredible," he stated, earning a laugh from the girl sitting across from him. "I told you it would be," (Y/N) answered with a small smile. Credence started to eat more of his ice cream and (Y/N) shook her head. "Slow down, you might get a-" Of course, by the time she had gotten the statement out, Credence already had a rather pained expression on his face. "-brainfreeze..," she added, giggling softly. "Now you tell me," Credence complained quietly. "You didn't give me the chance," (Y/N) teased back.

Credence finished his ice cream far before (Y/N) did and sat in silence. "So Credence, tell me about yourself," (Y/N) said softly, glancing up at the boy. She watched as the boy shifted in his seat. "I'm from New York City. My mother died when I was younger... I don't really remember her all that well. I think my adoptive mother had something to do with her death.. I believe she knew my mother was a witch," Credence explained softly. (Y/N) frowned softly as Credence spoke about his life. "Maybe she knew something about my magic and that's why she hated me so much.." (Y/N) quickly cut him off. "Credence, don't say that.. She treated you poorly because she was a despicable woman, not because of anything you did," she explained quietly. Credence stayed silent, looking down at his hands.

"What about you? How was your life growing up," he asked eventually. (Y/N) finished eating her ice cream before answering him. "I was born into a pure-blood family in London. I'm not quite sure what happened but my father disappeared one day and my mother died so I was sent to an orphanage," she explained quietly. "I was only about three years old when I was brought to the orphanage. The lady running it found out I had magical abilities and would beat me when I accidentally used them. By the age of 8, I was becoming an Obscurus, like you. If it hadn't been for the headmaster at Hogwarts, accepting me into the school at such a young age, I probably would have died..." (Y/N) went silent and Credence hesitantly reached across the table to hold her hand. "So that's why you started your orphanage," he said quietly. The girl nodded. "I wanted children with magical abilities to have a place to call home where they felt safe and accepted," she explained. "Well, you've certainly done an incredible job. The children speak so highly of you," Credence assured her, earning a small smile from the girl.

The two spoke for a short time longer before deciding to head back to the house. As they walked, (Y/N) looked over at Credence, examining his profile. He was incredible attractive and (Y/N) couldn't help but look at him. "Is there something on my face," Credence asked softly, catching her looking at him out of the corner of eye. (Y/N) was a bit startled by his question. "I mean, you have a little bit of chocolate on your face but that's not why I'm looking at you," she answered quickly. Credence quickly looked down at the ground, visibly embarrassed, causing (Y/N) to giggle softly. She stopped walking and stood in front of Credence, lifting his chin and smiling softly as she wiped the chocolate off his face. "There we go," she said softly, looking up at Credence. 

Credence just looked shyly down at the ground again. "Alright, enough messing around. Let's get home. I need my beauty sleep," (Y/N) said with soft laugh. She gently took Credence's hand and the two apparated back to the house. "Goodnight, I guess..," Credence said softly. The girl smiled and looked up at him. "Goodnight," she repeated. "I'll see you tomorrow." (Y/N) watched as Credence headed up the stairs before walking to the lounge and taking a seat on the couch, taking a book off the table. "So how'd it go," a voice asked, a rather teasing tone to it. "Alice, go to bed," (Y/N) laughed with a roll of her eyes. Alice laughed. "Alright, fine. See you tomorrow, (Y/N)," she said before disappearing upstairs, leaving (Y/N) alone in the now silent house.  



Heyo, so this chapter and the next chapter are probably just going to be kind of fluffy and cute. I hope y'all don't mind! It's mainly because I want to get another chapter out and I'm going to be at a music festival for the next three days and fluffy chapters are easier for me to write when I don't have a lot of time. 

On another note,

If you guys have any of suggestions or ideas for this story, feel free to leave a comment below! I love being able to interact with you guys and somewhat customize stories to fit what you guys would like to see.


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