Chapter 4

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This had to be about the fourth time Credence had woken up that night. He couldn't bear the nightmares anymore. He hated them. He managed to drag himself out of bed and down the stairs. As he headed into the foyer, the boy noticed the lights on in the lounge. He slowly made his way into the room and saw (Y/N) sitting on the couch with a book. Maybe she could help calm him down. "(Y/N).." Credence had barely gotten her name out before she turned to look at him. "Is everything alright," she asked softly, a hint of concern growing in her eyes. "I can't sleep..," he answered quietly. To his surprise, (Y/N) answered with, "Neither can I." She motioned for him to join her on the couch, which he hesitantly did. (Y/N) set her book down and turned on the couch so she was facing him. "Do you want to talk about it," she asked, a gentle tone to her voice. Credence didn't answer right way. "Nightmares," was his only answer. (Y/N) frowned slightly at his answer. "I keep seeing my mother and Chastity... I hate it...," he mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

(Y/N) could sense the boy growing more tense as he spoke. "Credence, it's alright. That will happen. It was horrible what happened and it's certainly not going to be easy to get past," she said softly. The girl sat up on her knees and hugged Credence, letting him pull her closely against him, burying his face in her shoulder. "But I'm here to help you through it." Credence didn't respond. He really didn't talk much, but (Y/N) didn't mind. She could always sense what was going on in Credence's head, and as long as it wasn't anything horrible, everything was okay. The black-haired boy was calming down, which was a good sign. "Thank you..," he said quietly. "You don't need to keep thanking me, Credence," (Y/N) said softly.

Her voice always seemed so kind and gentle. Credence figured it was because of how much (Y/N) seemed to work with children. Or maybe that's just how her voice sounded naturally. He never thought someone's voice could be so pleasing to hear, but hers was, and he never wanted to stop listening to it. The boy felt his shoulders relax as (Y/N) hand gently moved up and down his back, assuring him everything was okay. His eyelids became harder to keep open and he seemed to me more consumed by sleep with every soft tick the Grandfather clock made, and soon, Credence was asleep. Everything was okay.


AYYYY! It took FOREVER but I finally got Chapter 4 out!! This one's incredibly short (and I'm slightly disappointed in myself for it. Like only 3 paragraph and 450 words??? I usually do like 1,300 words). BUT ANYWAYS. I really wanted to get this chapter out of the way so we could get things moving along here! So enjoy this short, kinda fluffy chapter and stay tuned for Chapter 5!!

{Looking back on this, I'll probably unpublish this chapter and add more at a later time but enjoy this much for now XD}

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