Extracurricular programs

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Taking extracurriculars was probably the best decsision I made my freshman year. It's a fun and easy way to get involved. You'll meet new people and there's an extracurricular for almost everyone. There is FCCLA, Thespians, Forensics, Debate, FCA, Band, Choir, musicals, plays, sports, Circle of Friends, and so much more. I was in FCCLA, FCA, Thespians, Band, Choir, the fall musical, yearbook, and I was a girl's basketball manager. Through those I met a lot of new people and I even made some new friends. You get to hang out with people that you have never even seen before and overall its a great experience. When someone joins a club or starts an activity they get an amazing experience to step out of their comfort zone and experience a whole new pooint of veiw. For example, if you stayed inside a shell all of middle school and never joined a club or anything you probably went to school and came straight back home afterwards. Extracurriculars made me actually want to go to school. School for me isn't fun, but when it comes to band, choir, and yearbook, those classes are fun. Also, even if you are a little hermit (there's nothing wrong with that), most extracurriculars are easy "A"s. So if you're looking for a class that's wasy to pass, extracurriculars are probably your way to go. I don't know about anyone else but after spending all summer at home, you really want to get out as much as possible. I just got really bored and needed something to keep me busy. I love my family and all but they can get annoying really fast. So really even if you are a hermit you should try doing an extracurricular, they can be really fun =and you'd be suprised who all does them.

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