Chapter 3 - Her?

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*Blair's Point of View*


“PRYCE WINSLEY ACADEMY” I read the name of the school that Marge enrolled me in.

'Act like a human and be a human.' I thought to myself as I got off my bike and pulled the helmet off of my head.

“This will be another one hella year of boredom,” I mumbled as I walked through the hallways with a sea of noisy human students. Some of them are staring at me and others are letting out murmurs. Well, I'm used to people staring at me but the people in Transylvania are afraid of me, so they are just going to stare at me. They don't dare to talk to me or get near me. And, these students here are staring at me like I am a piece of chocolate on their plate.

I just walked straight to where my locker could be to put my helmet in and grab the books that Marge placed there during enrollment.

Well, I got English as my first subject. Fuck, this is going to be as tedious as hell.

I looked at my watch and I only had ten minutes to find my room. In my schedule paper, it is written there ‘Room C-04’. And where the hell on earth is this fucking room?

Then, I walked past a classroom and it was named A-01. I went to the 2nd floor and looked at the classroom named B-09. Fuck, how many classrooms are in this fucking building? I really should stop cursing.

And, I walked straight into the corridor and as usual, the student's eyes were on me. Shit, I know I'm new here, so, don't fucking stare. Don't they know that it's rude?

Finally, I made my way to the 3rd floor of this building, and there it is... a classroom that is named C-01.

“Hey, Miss! Are you new at this academy?” A guy behind me asked and I didn't bother to turn to him but I answered.


Then, I just continued on my way to the 4th room from where I was.

“What's your first class?” He asked as he tried to catch me up.

“English,” I answered shortly and looked at my schedule paper.

“Oh, so you will be in my class. I'm Mr. Bernard Colton.” He stated as he stopped in front of the classroom that I'm looking for. So... he's the English teacher?  He's about forty and he is already bald.

“Okay, that's cool. My name's Blair,” I uttered as I was about to enter the room.

“Next time, I should be the last one to arrive in the classroom, Ms. Blair. But don't worry, you're just new here, so, I will let this pass.” He uttered as he opened the door and let me in first. Is it being rude or being nice of him? I guess it's the latter.

Then, the bell exactly rings as I am standing in front of my classmates.

My eyes searched for a vacant seat but before I could find it, Mr. Colton said, “Well, there will be no more seat for you, Ms. Blair, but if--” and, he was cut off by an eerily familiar voice of a girl at the back.

“She can sit here, Mr. Colton.” The blonde-haired girl spoke without lifting her head to look at the teacher or me.

“Well, Ms. Blair, you can sit beside Ms. Winsley.” The teacher told me as he gestured his hands to the back part of the room.

“Okay.” I nodded and walked my way to the back of the classroom as the students stared at me like I am walking food. Some have an afraid look on their faces, while some are worried and others are smiling.

I just passed by them and stood a few feet from the said seat of mine at the back. Then, I cleared my throat to say something nice to my seatmate-to-be. But when the blonde-haired girl lifted her head and her electric blue eyes met my green ones once again, I kinda panicked.

Of all people and all places in the world, why is that, that bitch is my seatmate? Fuck my human life!

And, I can see that she is more shocked than I am.

I continued to walk, and as I was in front of her, she spoke,

“What are you doing in my school?” She asked in disbelief but trying to sound calm and professional.

“Your school? Sounds fun.” I let out as I looked at her and smiled sweetly.

As I finally sat beside her, the teacher introduced himself since this is the first day of school.

I'm very lucky, I just knew that I won't get bored in school for the rest of the school year.

And, I was grinning like an idiot when the teacher said,

“I want you all to introduce yourselves so that we will know each other. Some of you might have been classmates last school year, but we have new students. We will, of course, start at the back.” He started and looked in our direction.

We are in the center of the room but we are at the very back part. But still, we can hear what the teacher says because the students are not making any noise. This is very different from my previous school.

“My name is Pryce Winsley. And, for those who do not know me, better know your places or you will know where you should be...” It was all the bitch said and she looked at me sharply.

Oh, so she's the owner of the school too? What did I do to her again? Shit, I think I'm in big trouble.

“You're next, Ms. Blair,” the teacher said as my seatmate took her seat.

“Alright, my name's Blair, Blair Kendall. Just call me Blair, because I don't want to sound like the science teacher.” It was all I said.

What else can I say? I can't say that I'm a vampire and I drink blood. They would probably go crazy, or they would think that I'm crazy. Probably, the latter. So, I sat down and turned to the girl beside me. She's not looking at me and handed me a piece of paper.

'What a small world we have, Freak. Remember me?'  I read the paper she gave and a smile crept on my face. Oh, so you want to have a conversation on paper? Then, I'll give it to you.

'Well yeah, so, you did miss me. Huh?' I replied and I was smiling widely when, suddenly, the teacher called my name.

“Ms. Blair, is there something funny?” The teacher asked and all heads turned to me. Shit!

“Um... Nothing, Sir.” I answered, and as I looked down at my table, I saw another paper from my seatmate.

'Never in your freaking dreams!' was her message.

I picked up the paper and I smiled at myself. And, I decided not to respond to her. All I have to do is ignore this beautiful creature beside me, for me to be away from any trouble. Damn it, she owned this place. She may be the queen here, but I'll stand my ground. As long as I abide by the rules and policies, I should not worry about anything.

Then, throughout the period, I just listened to my classmates introducing themselves.

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