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Life as a teenager has never been easy, people have expectations for you such as figuring out which college you want to got to or finals, but in my case it was him. I know I'm being mysterious, but we'll get around to eventually. Anyways I had just moved to a new school at the end of my junior year. All the way from St. Louis to Oregon on the other side of the country! Yeah I know right!? Meaning I had to study for a whole new set of finals, God I hope the content is similar or I'm going to fail! I can't handle that sort of stress! On a better note I must add, mom got a raise meaning we could afford more stuff. So yay on that aspect. 

So here I am sitting in the passengers seat of my mom's new black convertible with Red Minivan by Mike Krol blasting from the radio, watching the pines zoom by with the sun at our tails. I didn't feel like singing one of my favorite songs right now. I was too lost in thought as we drove another bend in the road.

What if no one likes me? I mean look at me with my black mid length hair, my pale white skin, my dark brown oval shaped eyes, and my geekish personality. I mean I was lucky enough to even get the friends I had back home or that's what it feel like anyways. My thoughts were then interrupted by my mother Nora Reese, "Alex, what's wrong? You got that face again." "Hmm? What face?" She then gave me her all too familiar look of 'don't-bull-me-now-girly.' Sighing I told her of my concerns.

" Oh hun, I know. I'm leaving behind your Aunt Kat and Grandfather as well. Don't be so glum about it. Now tell me what are we having for dinner?" Mom always knew how to cheer me up even if it's just changing the subject to food. She knows me too well it seems cause seconds later my stomach made the sound of a dying whale. Smiling I said, "Definitely Dairy Queen." "Dairy Queen it is, usual?" Usual."

By the time we got to our new street I had already finished my dinner. I could barely see the sign, but I made it out to be Elm Street. From the amount of horror films I have seen I began laughing. My mom began chuckling, knowing exactly what I was laughing at. A few houses down the road I saw our's at the end. It was an old Victorian looking house, but the paints were all updated, well at least on the outside, making it look brand new.

I smiled at the sight, I had only seen this house in dreams... literally. Every time I dream of this house, I dream of three little kids and a blurry image of a man sitting next to me while we watch the fireflies dance in the darkness. Getting out of the car I grabbed my duffel bag from the trunk and through the open house past the dinning room and kitchen straight down the hall making a left up the stairs, making a right down the hallway and up another stairwell into the attic which was arranged as an open floor plan just for me. 

My boxes all scattered about on hard wood flooring with tacky wall paper which I kind of like. A queen sized bed with just a mattress and frame lie against the left hand side wall with a night stand on either side. I immediately began unpacking. Sticking my figurines of glass dolls and comic characters  on the wall shelves which I personally installed. Sticking my large collection of comic books and hard cover books on the in wall book shelves  across the room from the bed on the right side of the room from the door.

I began sticking up my posters of my various fandoms on the remaining wall areas leaving behind little of the wallpaper to be seen. Finishing the last bit of unpacking I head downstairs I noticed how unusually quite it was, for my mother normally blasts music whilst doing this endeavor. Growing more weirded out by the second, I snuck quietly down the stair making a right turn into the kitchen and sure enough I see nothing but a note on the island, in the middle of the kitchen. 'Mom never leaves like this...' Picking up the note I began reading. 'Went to town to pick up some stuff for the house, sorry for the disappearance, but this important.' What happened next changed my life forever...

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