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It was the doorbell. 'Wonder who could that be.' Throwing away the note, I began making my way to the door. I didn't know what I expected, all I knew was that I had to open that door.  I didn't even check the peaky hole like I should have. I just threw it open, revealing the most glorious specimen of a man I have ever seen. 

He stood at six feet four inches, a foot taller than me mind you. His eyes shined a hazel in the setting sun, his hair swepped back with copper highlights mixed into his chocolate brown hair. His black tight shirt revealing his toned chest. I would have stood there staring at him all day if he didn't introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Caleb, I kinda noticed you moved in and wanted to introduce myself." "Um oh hi," My usual sarcastic demeanor thrown out the window with his God before me. I felt so awkward, felt like I was going to die of embarrassment. Chuckling at my extreme gawking of him, "So I'll see you at school I suppose, I see you're a bit busy so I'll swing by later." 

My brain was just gone, all I could do was open my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. In response his smile grew even wider, winking at me and walking down the path into the woods. Not believing what just happened i stood in the doorway staring into the woods where this 'Caleb' left my sight. 

'Was I just visited by Apollo, cause that was just wow.' Closing the door I distracted myself with unpacking. When my mother got back she looked ecstatic about something. Me being me grew more curious the more I watched my mother bound up the driveway with this all knowing smile on her face, like the time she read my diary and teased me about my celebrity crush, whom you will never know!

By the time my mother reached the door knob I had already opened the door, "Hi mom." Screaming she jumped back startled for she had not expected the sudden burst out. Smiling to myself as my mom's face broke out into a grin and we began laughing at this little event. It took us a bit before we calmed down. 

Stepping aside I let her in and she put some bags filled with painting equipment on  the dinning room table. Turning to me she still had that look on her face, she began her story, "So when I was out doing my little errand for the house, and yes we are painting tomorrow. I ran into this guy at the local DIY store, and he comes up to me and we start talking about you guessed it, paint. Well he's opening up a restoration business and I got him to make us his first clients."

As you can hopefully tell she thought the guy was smoking. I then got the brilliant idea of setting her up, "When does he start? I'm thinking tomorrow afternoon while I go exploring the woods, so you guys can bond over paints more." If you were there to see her face, you would have started laughing hysterically too. Her face was absolutely priceless as it turned red and her mouth hung open with surprise at to what I said, revealing to her that I just set her up on a date.

You see starting at a young age my mother and I would have these embarrassment wars, as you can tell by the mere name you know what I mean. Leaving it at that I headed up stairs to bed as I planned roughly what I was going to do tomorrow. Yes I wanted to explore, but I was kind of hoping to find Caleb out there as well. Growing up near woods was never a thing to me as we always lived in heavily populated areas in the suburbs. 

Always close by to someone, but not that we got space, I want to actually do something for a change. I want to explore and maybe even find my own hide out when things get too crazy, like in the books I've read. Thinking about them made me glance over from where I was standing in the middle of the room, and just look over the spines of each one seeing how tightly packed they are. Until I came to the Vern books and my favorite one is missing, Journey to the Center of the Earth. 

Looking around wildly for it I found it on the window sill to the left of m bed, if I were lying down. I found this odd because I didn't recall reading anything today, or opening that window. My mind then began wondering to the possibilities of either someone broke in or I was loosing my mind, I was going with the later. For I knew I had no spare time to read today.

Creeping over to the window I shyly poked my head out, I saw nothing, but the yard in the back of the house and the trees beyond it. I picked up the book and closed the window. 'How could anyone get from all the way down there to up here?' Wilder things then plagued my mind as the impossible began sprouting from the events at hand.

To even get from the ground to my attic window you would have to scale the first ad second floor. I was seriously at a loss for words as I delved deeper into this. Shaking it off for the time being of I would never be able to rest if I didn't. Placing the book into it's proper place and climbed into bed thinking to myself of the adventures that ly for me.

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