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Leaves crunched under my feet as I made my way into the woods, past the first set of trees into the thicket. The sun shown through the top of the canopy, lighting up the forest floor with a white and green glow. It was beautiful with the bushes of various kinds of berries. Some dead branches scattered about, wildflowers grew were they could while the bees buzzed from flower to flower.

It took my breath away as I followed the narrow path wondering where it lead. Hoping it would lead me on to an adventure. maybe a cave, maybe a clearing... I was so lost in though that I just barely noticed how bright it had gotten with the sound of flowing water.

Blinking the daze out of my eyes I finally realized I had come to a small river and a waterfall with moss growing on the edges of the riverbed. The sun shown brighter here as the branches did not cover as much of the ground. I have found my safe haven.

Sitting on the rocks of the river bed I took off my socks and my tennis shoes and dipped my toes in making sure the water was to my liking. Considering it was late April, it was, so I let my feet sink in until it went to my ankles.

Time seemed to slow down as I lost myself in the scenery and to the sounds of nature. The bees buzzing, the cicadas humming, the birds chirping, and the wind rustling the leaves above. Nature was a beautiful thing, so natural, so untouched.

The crunching and braking of branches then made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, making goose bumps along my arms. I had noticed then the sounds that I once reveled in, fell silent, except for the running of water and the rustling of the leaves.

Something big must have entered the vicinity, how I know this you might ask. I've seen enough nature shows and horror movies to figure this much out, but what it was exactly I had no clue, which frightened me most of all.

All I could think to do was sit still and hope for the best. The crunching still continued at a steady pace. The Earth held its breath, I held my breath, and everything else around me as well it seems.

Never had I heard such silence, this was what also scared me, the suspenseful silence. Oh how I wished for it to be over, for this creature to go away so I may go home. That's when it happened, its paws pressed down on my shoulders pushing me into the river. 

Adrenaline coursing though me I made it to the surface of the water and sun fast to see what had pushed me. For a minute I didn't believe my eyes as a wolf the size of a bear sat and wagged its tail playfully at me as in saying, 'Ha ha you got soaked.'

I was awestruck it's coat was a chocolate brown with a bunch of highlights making him look shinny. His playful demeanor made me think of him as a big lap dog, making me somewhat more okay with going near him. 

We stayed that way for a while until I found the courage to swim to the banks. The wolf didn't more from it's spot as I swam a distance away from it before getting onto the rocky shore. Never in my life have I ever expected for any of this to happen to the likes of me. To meet such a wondrous creature and live to tell the tale. 

Dripping head to foot I sat there staring at the wolf-bear thin watching for its next move as it did I. It had stopped wagging its tail a bit ago and it's demeanor had changed from playful to curious as it sat there watching me.

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