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Looking at the letter to the admissions to University of Massachusetts. Palms are sweaty, anxious that I might not get attended to this school that I been wanting since junior year of high school. Roman automatically got accepted because he's a fucking football player. And Dean, well I don't know how they accepted him, all he wanted to be is a mascot. Weird, I know but dreams do come true.

Grabs the letter off the coffee table, slowly opening the licked sealed envelope. I take a deep breath and reads the letter...

"Dear Mr. Rollins,
Congratulations on your admissions to the University of Massachusetts! We..." My face lights up like a Christmas tree, like when a kid eating tons of sugary candy.

"YES!!! I GOT ACCEPTED!!!" doing my little dance/twerking. Then my celebration gets stopped by my parents walking in the kitchen.

"Seth my boy, what's with all the noise, you sound like you just hit puberty?"

"Dad I got accepted to my favorite college." I give him the acceptance letter and my mom reads it too.

"Oh my god!! My baby is going to college! You are all grown up." As she wipes a tear of her cheek and hugs me.

"Mom you said that when I was heading off to high school." I rolled my eyes and squeeze her tightly.

"I know but this time is real tears."

"I am so proud of you son, and now we have to plan things for your college."

"Oh Seth did you tell your little buddies about your acceptance." she mentions

"Actually Im about to go hang out with them tonight, I'll be back at 10:30" I grab a jacket from the couch and my key

"Oh okay, have fun, be safe and don't get a girl pregnant!"


~18+ Club~

After ordering our non alcoholic drinks, Roman stands up for a toast.

"To Seth, and our acceptance letters to University of Massachusetts!! YEAHHHHH!!" we clinked our drink and sipped.

"Hey Seth, I have to tell you, what happened to your hot crazy ex friend again?? said Dean as he laughed and I rolled my eyes and take another sip.

"That bitch AJ, she's in mental hospital and away from me, Hallelujah!!"

"How's that scar healing?" said Roman, I rub the back of my neck, I hated that day. That bitch took it too far.

 That bitch took it too far

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~3 months ago~

"AJ get out of my house! I broke up with you because you are too unstable. You get angry at anything that I do and you always checking on my phone and spying on me, you are just crazy. Just get out please" I turned my head to walk to the front door.

From the corner of my eye, AJ pulls out something shiny out of her pocket and charges at me. I try to turn as quickly as possible but it was too late.

Falling to ground and blood steam dripping on the floor from my back, I stared up at her and pressing down on my wounds and all I see is her dark emotionless smile and the bloody small pocket knife. She slowly couches down and grabs a full locks of my hair.

"This is why you don't tell me what to do."

~Present Time~

"And that's story of of how I got the scar on my back near my neck, I told y'all this story so many times, it's really annoying now."

"I know but it gets funnier every time." Deans takes another sip of his drink

"Still can't believe that you stab by a tiny girl." Roman chuckles

"Tiny crazy girl, luckily she's in a mental hospital away from me, and now I am free."

"Yup thank god" said Roman and we all clinked our drinks again

"But hey, she's still hot though." Dean smiles wide.

~Meanwhile at the mental hospital~

A nurse was signed to check on one of the patient named AJ Lee.

"Room 295" the nurse walked up to the door and look at the small rectangular window and nobody was here. A nurse quickly grabs their walkie-talkie

"REPORT! PATIENT IN ROOM 295 HAS ESCAPED!" the nurse waits for a response.


The loud sirens echoes around the mental hospital, putting every patient in their rooms. Security guards checked AJ's room and found out that she dug herself out and also left a note on the bed.

"When I want something, I get it, I TAKE IT!" with a smiley face.


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