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*At Night*
Meedan came over to my house two hours after I woke up. Right now we're in my room watching a scary movie while eating popcorn. "Don't open the door." Meedan says to person in the movie. I squeeze her arm in fear. "Seriously, don't open it." She says again. The girl opens the door and a scary figure pops up. "AHHHHHH!!!!" I scream while jumping into Meedans lap. I feel like I nearly squeezed her to death. She starts laughing. "Why is everyone in a horror movie so stupid?" She asks me. I snuggle into her chest for comfort. "I don't know, I'm scared." I answer. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." She reassures while hugging me back. I blush. "You almost died the last time you said that." I tell her. She sighs. "I'd do it again if it meant saving you." She retorts. My heart skips a beat. I stay quiet as we continue to watch the movie. Every time a scary part came on she didn't react. All she does is laugh at the stupid choices the people make. Me on the other hand, I screamed like a baby. By the end of the movie I'm still in Meedans arms quivering like a cat in the rain. "That movie wasn't scary at all." She tells me. I get off of her lap and elbow her side. "That's because nothing scares you." I retort while stretching my arms. My mom walks in. "dinners ready." She tells us with a smile. Finally. I stand up while helping Meedan up. The 3 of us walk downstairs to the dining room. Sherlock and my dad were already sitting at the table eating. "How was the movie?" Sherlock asks us. "Horrible." I answer while sitting down next to Meedan. My mom is smirking at me. I blush and ignore her. I already told her that Im not going to let my feelings for Meedan resurface. It's too dangerous. I fix my plate and start eating. Meedan isn't eating anything. "Aren't you hungry?" I ask her. She fidgets nervously in her seat. "I'm full from all that popcorn." She answers. I raise my eyebrow. "Oh, ok." I retort suspiciously. It reminds me of how Souji doesn't eat, now that I think about it, but then again she's always been like that, so why is it suspicious to me now? Its probably nothing...Wait! What if she has an eating disorder!!? No!! That's not true!! We've been best friends forever. She wouldn't keep secrets from me...right? I shake my head. "Are you ok sweetie?" My dad asks. "H-huh? Oh! I'm fine." I answer. Meedan looks at me worried, but not in a "are you ok?" sense. It was more like an "I'm scared your going to find out an important secret." look. Now I'm even more suspicious which doesn't help me one bit. I smile at her innocently. She blushes and smiles back. My heart once again skips a beat. I freeze in place. No!! I won't let myself fall for her again!! I have to keep my feelings suppressed!! After dinner, my mom makes Meedan and I wash the dishes. We're both silent. "Can I ask you a question?" I ask her. She nods her head in response. "What do you do when you like someone?" I ask blushing. "You like Souji don't you?" She asks ignoring my question. "Y-yeah." I answer. She sighs and clenches her fists. I look at her. "What?" I ask raising my eyebrow. She looks into my eyes and for some reason she looks hurt. "He's not who you think he is." She tells me. Excuse me? "What do you mean?" I ask. She stays quiet. I start to get irritated. "Answer me!" I snap. "I...can't tell you." She answers while looking away from me. I grab her face and bring it to mine. She blushes. I make sure our noses are touching so she can see how serious I am. "Tell me!" I demand. Her eyes turn serious and intense. Time freezes and we stand there staring into each other's eyes. NO!! I back away quickly and clear my throat. "Just tell me Meedan." I beg. My heart is pounding and my face is red, but that doesn't matter right now. "H-he's a...." she trails off. I run my hands through my hair in frustration. "A what!!?" I ask getting anxious. She takes a deep breath and stares into my eyes again. I stare back. "He's a vampire." She answers serious...ummm.....what did she just say? I burst out laughing.

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