What Does True Love Feel Like?

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-I do not own the song I hate you, I love you. All the rights go to gnash. It's owner. (Listen to the song when it gets to Javier talking to Ariana.)

*Ryan's p.o.v*-Ariana's dad
I told Laurie that Ariana had a heart attack. She said she would tell Meedan but, I don't think that's a good idea, considering what happened. I let out a sigh. "You ok?" A familiar voice asks me. Oh, it's just Tina. I pull her into an embrace and rest my head on top of hers. "I feel like I'm drowning in sadness." I answer, closing my eyes. She pats my back. "It's not your fault Ryan." She reassures. A lump rises in my throat. "Yes it is, Tina." I retort. My voice is starting to crack. "I should've been there for her but, I wasn't." I tell her, starting to cry. She looks into my eyes and wipes my tears. "Listen to me Ryan, it wasn't your fault, and it sure as hell wasn't  Ariana's." She retorts. "Am I a bad father?" I ask her. "Of course not!!" She answers quickly. "Then why couldn't I-mmph!*" I get interrupted by her kissing me. I close my eyes and kiss back while pulling her closer. This is off topic but, I'm glad I married this woman. She holds the key to my happiness. Without her I wouldn't be able to function and, if I lost my children I...would just...die. I pull back and look into her eyes. "Thank you for staying with me all these years, Tina." I tell her. She blushes and smiles. "What kind of wife would I be if didn't stay with my husband?" She retorts. I cover my face in embarrassment. "Y-Your embarrassing me." I stutter. She laughs. "You haven't changed at all, Ryan." She says back. I poke her forehead. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. She kisses me again. "I mean you're still easily embarrassed." She answers with a playful grin. I can't deny that. "Mom? Dad?" I hear Sherlock call out. Oh great. I forgot Sherlock doesn't know Ariana's ok. We both turn to face him. Well shit. He's in tears. "Why is Ariana in the ICU!? Is she dying!? Did that sick creep give her a disease!?" He asks, starting to shake. He's about to break down. "She's fine, son." I answer. He shakes his head. "BULLSHIT!!" He yells while clenching his fists. Tina walks over to him and holds his hand. "How about we go for a walk to clear your head?" She suggests. He stays quiet and keeps crying. The two of them walk to the elevator. She turns around and gives me a wink. Tease. I smile and wave goodbye. As soon as they're gone, my pager beeps. I look at it and it's coming from Ariana's room. My heart drops into my stomach and I run to the ICU as fast as I can. A nurse is already in there. "What's going on!?" I ask in a panic. "Your daughter requested to see you, Dr. Santacruz." The nurse answers. I sigh in relief and sit in the chair next to Ariana. "What's up soldier?" I ask. "Let me see Meedan." She requests. Why did I know she was going to ask me that? Next thing you'll know she'll be asking to see Souji. "You can't see her, sweetie." I retort. She scowls. "Why not!?" She asks. "You just had a heart attack. Not to mention you're in the ICU. There's no way your doctor or any nurse is going to let you see her." I answer. "THEN YOU RELEASE ME!!" She yells. I stay calm. "I'm not a doctor, I'm a surgeon, babe. I don't have the authority to release you." I respond. She starts crying. "Just let me see her!!" She cries. Man, she's so stubborn. I shake my head. "I wish I could but, I can't." I tell her. She hides under the blankets and cries harder. "Listen to me Ariana, this is to help you get better, so please listen to what I'm saying." I request. She scoffs and pokes her head out from underneath the covers. "I don't care about myself!! I just want to see Meedan!!" She snaps. That's it!! "WELL, I CARE!!" I yell. She flinches. "YOU'RE MY DAUGHTER!! WHAT I SAY GOES!! THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH!!" I continue. All of a sudden a police officer walks in. He shows me his badge. "I'm Detective Gordan. I'm working on your daughter's case. May I speak with her?" He asks me. I look at Ariana. "GET THE FUCK OUT!! I SAID TO LEAVE ME ALONE YOU DUMB SHIT!!" She yells at him. I look back to Detective Gordan. "You heard her. Leave." I tell him. He sighs and hands me a photo. "Since our suspect's face is non-recognizable, ask your daughter if this was the man who raped her." He retorts. I give it to Ariana. She rips it in half. "Yes, he was the one who raped me!! I don't ever want to see that sick creep's face again!! Now get out!!" She snaps. Detective Gordan shakes his head and hands her another picture. "This is your friend Patrick right?" He asks her. She nods her head. "He was the one who beat up Brandon?" He asks while giving her a hard glare. She gives him the finger. "I'm not ratting out my friends, so you can go fuck yourself." She growls. He sighs in defeat. "Brandon is injured very badly and we can barely recognize his face!! So I need you to stop being a bitch and help me get more evidence to solve your case!!" He snaps. Wait? Did he just call my daughter a bitch? I give him a death glare. Ariana's heart monitor starts beeping. I look and she's holding her chest. "I-I...c-can't...b-breathe." She barely squeaks out. Shit!! "WE NEED A NURSE IN HERE!!" I yell while running to her side. A nurse runs into the room. "She can't breathe." I tell her. The nurse curses under her breath and presses a red button. I lay the bed all the way down. "You have to leave, Detective Gordan." I tell him. He groans in frustration and walks out. Asshole. I close the blinds to prevent people from seeing inside the room. A doctor runs in and immediately puts an oxygen mask over Ariana's face. "Breathe honey, breathe." I tell her. After a minute, her monitor goes back to normal. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Don't let that detective back in here." She gasps for air. I nod my head and face the nurse. "Don't let him in." I tell her. "Yes sir." She retorts then going out the room. I open the blinds and sigh. Why is this happening to my baby girl?...

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