Where did Ariana go?

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*Nurses Office*
As soon as I walk through the door, Nurse Flores grabs me and pulls me into an embrace. "I've missed you darling." She whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes and try to push her away. She refuses to let go. Meedan clears her throat. Nurse Flores chuckles. "Looks like we have an audience." She teases while hugging me tighter. Souji glares at her. "Let me go!" I demand. She smirks at me. "Are you sure? Your really wet right now." She retorts. My face turns red. Meedan clenches her fists. "We just need new clothes!!" She snaps. Once again I try to push Nurse Flores away. She finally lets go. "Fine. Go in the back rooms and wait." She tells us. Phew. Before I can walk away she grabs me from behind again. "I have a special room for you sweetie~." She coos while shoving me into a room. I fall into a bed. She closes the door and locks it from the outside. Oh no. I'm trapped. Should I try to escape? The logical answer would be yes but, I doubt I'll be able to. 5 minutes later she walks back into the room with a pink Victoria secret bag. My stomach drops as she re locks the door. I scoot backwards as she walks towards me. My back hits the backboard of the bed. Shoot. Nurse Flores chuckles seductively. "There's no point in trying to escape sweetie, so be a good girl and submit." She says while forcing me to lay down. She gets on top of me. "Now then, how about we we have some fun." She suggests while tying my hands above my head. "No!! Get off me!!" I demand. She starts unbuttoning my shirt. This is bad. The cold air hits me and I feel goosebumps rise on my skin. "Aww, you look so cute with your peach bra." She teases. My face turns red. "Please let me go." I beg. She shakes her head and reaches inside the Victoria secret bag. I have a bad feeling about this. She pulls out a red and black lingerie. "I was saving it for me but, I think you'll look better in it." She says while unbuttoning my pants. Since my hands are tied up I can't do anything. Nurse Flores looks at my body up and down. She licks her lips. "Your turning me on with that scared look on your face." She tells me while blushing. "Please stop." I beg again. She ignores me and buries her face in my neck. "You smell good." She whispers in my ear. I start crying. "Please stop!! I'm scared!!" I cry. She stops and sighs. "Fine, party pooper." She retorts while getting off me. Thank god. She unties my hands. "Wh-What about my clothes?" I ask hesitantly. She puts the cover over me. "Umm-" "Your cold right? I'll get you some clothes." She interrupts. Is she irritated? Or does she feel guilty? She comes back into the room with folded clothes in her hands. I take them from her. "I'd dress you myself but, I don't like seeing kids cry." She tells me then leaving the room. I sit there at a loss for words. Crying is her weakness. Haha. Now I know what to do if she tries something with me again. I get dressed quickly and run out the room. Meedan and Souji are waiting for me. Relief washes over my entire body. Before I can say anything, the bell rings. Souji pats my head and walks out the nurses office. My heart skips a beat and I blush. Meedan rolls her eyes and hugs me. "What?" I ask. "I'm sorry." She whispers. I relax and hug her back. "Don't do that again." I retort. "I'll try." She tells me...

When I get to class Patrick jumps into my arms. "I was so worried about you!!" He exclaims. Mr. David clears his throat. "In case you've forgotten, class has started Patrick." He tells him. Patrick rolls his eyes. "I didn't forget, I just don't care." He retorts while getting out my arms. I go to my seat and sit down. There's a note on my desk. Before I can read it, Mr. David throws a book at Patrick. It hits him in the face. Umm, ok. Patrick gives him the finger and stays on the ground. I shake my head and open the note. It's from Rowan. It says. "Meet me in the bathroom during lunch." I look at her and she ignores me. Winnie stands up. "Mr.David, Rowan and Ariana are passing notes." She tells him. What a bitch! Rowan glares at her. Mr.David groans in frustration. "Bring me the note!!" He snaps. Rowan rolls her eyes. "With all due respect sir, I'm not giving you the note." She retorts. I stay quiet and watch her. "Excuse me?" He asks, irritated. " I won't give you the note Mr.David, its personal." She answers while crossing her arms. His eyebrow twitches. "Is that so?" He asks in suspicion. Rowan nods her head. Mr.David sighs and runs his hands through his hair. All the girls blush, even me. Patrick falls to the floor again. Winnie scoffs. "What a bunch of desperate sluts." She says to the whole class. "Says the girl who'll kiss anyone's ass just to get what she wants." I retort. "Shut up Ariana!! We all know how desperate you are to get into Souji's pants!!" She snaps. The whole class goes "ohhh". My face turns red. "AT LEAST IM STILL A VIRGIN!!" I yell while standing up. Her face twists with anger. "FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I WAS RAPED!!" She retorts while clenching her fists. Everyone goes quiet and looks at her. "ITS NOT MY FAULT!!" She cries.

I stand here at a loss for words

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I stand here at a loss for words. How was I supposed to know that? Mr.David claps his hands. "Alright that's enough you two!!" He snaps. "Winnie, go to the bathroom and calm down." He tells her. She runs out the classroom. If I had known she was raped, I wouldn't have said that. I sit back down and lay my head on my desk. Am I the bad guy now? Do people not like me anymore? All these thoughts are making my head spin. Ugh. I don't feel good at all.....

*Lunch time*
Rowan told me to meet her in the bathroom during lunch but, it's closed. No surprise there. Meedan and Souji practically destroyed it this morning. I look around. Where is she? I start to walk away but I'm grabbed from behind. What!!? A cloth is put over my nose and mouth. It smells like some sort of chemical....OH NO!! It's-*she passes out*

*Rowans p.o.v*
I finally make it to the bathrooms but, they're closed. Where the hell is Ariana? She should be here by now. I look around the hallway and she's nowhere to be found. Did she ditch me? I can't believe it. First, she yells at me for liking her brother. Then, she ditches me. Ugh. Anyways, I'm not mad at her anymore. I wanted to talk to her about it but, looks like she hasn't forgiven me yet....Wait a minute. Ariana never ditches anyone. Something's not right. I'll talk to Meedan and Patrick about it. John walks up behind me. "Need some help?" He asks. "Not now John." I answer while walking to be lunchroom. I almost trip over my crutches. He holds me up. "I meant I'd carry your lunch for you." He tells me. For crying out loud! Can he not take a hint? "Fine." I retort. He smiles. John and I are imprinted which means we're inseparable. Literally. The only way you can get imprinted is if you have sex with that person. Plus, whoever it is has to be a werewolf or vampire. Once your imprinted you'll be able to sense whenever the other is in danger. And you can't stay away from them for long. Believe me, I've tried. Your basically imprinted for life, unless you die. Now that I've given you a brief explanation of imprints, you won't be confused. John and I walk to the cafeteria. Souji is surrounded by girls like always. What a pain.....

Authors note- The chapter is shorter than normal because I'm in school while typing this. The next one will be longer. I promise.

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