First Meet

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Imagine  you standing outside of a bar, trying to get out of the crowd. Holding a cold drink in your hand, you shivered. Maybe I should go back inside.. you thought. You slowly waltzed to the door, until someone ran into you. Your drink spilling all over you. “C'mon! Watch it!” you spat. The man blushed. “I'm so sorry! Oh god...” he looked down. You sighed. “Hey, it's okay.” He slightly smiled. “Alright.. good. I'm Keith, by the way.” He held out his hand. “(Y/n).” you shook his hand. “Nice meeting you, love.” he said. You blushed at him. He noticed you, and started to blush as well. He had beautiful puppy eyes, brown hair, slim, and just beautiful. “You're really pretty (Y/n)! Even with beer on your outfit.” Keith chucked. You laughed at his comment. As you noticed, Keith seemed to be coming closer. He was close to your face. You got a risk, so you took it. You put your lips on his. He tasted like beer, but to you, it didn't matter. You just wanted to kiss him. “I wanted to do that too.” he said, smirking. “Would you wanna see eachother again?” you spoke. He nodded. “Of course I would. In fact, wanna go to my place love?” he grinned. You grinned back at him. “Of course.” You took his hand, and before you knew it. You were snuggling with him, on his bed.

(A/N): Thanks for reading! Btw, I won't always use imagine as the beginning. This book is just like Keith x you. Anyway, there will be more! Love you all! 💜)

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