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(This is Colton for the story.)
                     Colton pov
When I went to see the rogue and smelt the sweet smell, I wasn't expecting to see a small teenage boy in the cave. I wasn't even expecting him to be my mate. When he came out of the hole, I was so surprised he was so cute. He made my heart melt. I was so shocked my mate was a guy and so young. Well he's still my mate and I'll have to take care of him. I love him already.

When Ryan and I got to the house, he was not eating and I know he's hungry because I can hear is belly growling. I told him to eat. He started eating and I smiled at him.
"Little one? How old are you?" I ask him.
His big brown eyes look at me.
"I'm 16...... How about you?" Ryan said shyly.
Dang he's so young. I hoping he was at least 18 but he's 16.  He's to young for me. Oh well. I'll just take care of him until he's 18 then I can have him.
"I'm 24." I said as I look down sadly.
Ryan was confused for a minute. He put his arms around me. I look down at him with wide eyes. He's so sweet.
"It's OK, Colton. I don't care that you're 24. I know you're my......"  Ryan stopped himself from finishing.
I hug him back. He laid his head on my chest.
" I know you're my young mate. I can't have you yet. I'll have to wait until you're 18 but I will still take care of you, protect you, and love you. I'll be here for you my little mate." I said as he looked up at me with big eyes.
He looked so sad and afraid of something.
"What's wrong?" I ask him.
"It's just I didn't think you would want to be around me. Everyone hates me. They beat on me and treat me badly. I hate myself. My dad beats me and he killed my mom this morning. He hate me and says I'm not his son." Ryan said so tears fall down his cheek.
I wipe the tears away and kiss his forehead.
"I'm so sorry little one. I won't let anyone hurt you. I will get you all my love and care. I been waiting to meet you for so long." I said as I rubbed his back.
"Really?" Ryan said as he looked in my eyes.
"Yes. Now why don't you go clean up. You can use some of my clothes and shower in my bathroom. I'll be waiting for you down here." I said as I let go of him.
He nodded and walked upstairs and into my room. I was sitting in the living room when Misty walked in.
"Are you ready to get me some of that now? I know you miss you." Misty said.
"No. Misty I'm not giving you anything. My mate is here and I'm done with you." I growled at her.
I had to get her out of here before Ryan gets done with his shower.

The Alpha's young mate (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now