Do u dream?

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The answer is a simple yes, we all dream of something. Such as getting a job, or getting a prom date.
But that's all for yourself... you never thought to care about another person.

I dream to save the penguins, and polar bears. I dream to feed starving children over in Syria. I dream for them, because they lost their dreams. Syrian children have to go threw hell and back just to get some food.

All we fucking do is throw our food in the trash. I personally have thrown food away and honestly I think about how some people would love to have just a nibble of this sandwich, or whatever it is at the time.

I dream that I could go to Syria and protect these people, because they don't deserve this. But I cant, can I?

Because that's just life isn't it, life is a bitch. You can't follow the major dreams but the little ones are achievable. It's not fair!!! It's not fair at all, no one deserves to go threw pain, or sadness. I should know because I have been threw it.

I have a mental illness that no one can understand and I'm trying my hardest so no one has to feel the same way I do. It's scary, to realize that you as a person aren't as normal as the others, because of this fucked up world.

Our world has corrupted all of us, every single one of us, and it's just not fair. We only care about ourselves, we don't dare to try to finish our dream that started out as a story but is becoming more of reality as it goes on.

Hope is gone out the window, because hoping for something to happen will just destroy you in the end.  My dreams are corrupted and so are you!

*This book isn't a story, it's reality and I want to show you reality. Let me teach you about reality!*

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