Coming back to japan

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[Noami's P.O.V]
Today I came back to Japan I didn't tell my brother because he will ask why I disappear,because my left arm was broken and apparently I have to go to America for surgery and I stay there fo 5 years so yeah I told mom and dad not to tell him because he will get worried about me,and tomorrow I will attend Seirin high school and mom and dad got me a mansion here so I could live there and I am here in my private jet and apparently I will land to Japan in a few minutes

[time skip to by the author]

I finally landed to Japan and paparazzi's are following me and I am glad that I have body gruards and I finally got to my white limbo and it drove to my house after that I ate dinner and took a bath after that I laid in my king size bed and one thought got to my head
How will he react if I come and school tomorrow
And after that I fell asleep

[still Naomi's P.O.V]
I woke up to my alarm clock that Riiiiiiinnnnngggg
After that I took a bath and wore my uniform and ate and got to my limbo and hed to school
While in the road my phone started ringing and pick it up I look the name that is calling me and it is [MOM❤] I smiled and picked it up
Naomi:hi mother what do you want
Mom:oh..nothing just checking if you are okay by the way how are you
Naomi: I am fine mom and did Sei-chan knew I came back? Mom: no should I tell him
Naomi: no don't tell him and I need to hung up we are about to pull up bye mom love you
Mom: bye dear and be safe love you too
After that I hung up and I got out of my limousine and gaining stare. Of student's and some of they said:

Omg is that the famous model and singer
Can I have a autograph
Be my girlfriend
After that I got to class and my sensie
Sensie:class we have a new student come in
Naomi: Hi everyone my name is Seijuro Naomi please take good care of me
Girl#1:omg are the the famous singer and model and WNBA
Sensie:okay Ms.Seijuro please take a seat by the window

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter and don't forget to vote and I do not own Knb

Xoxoxo solea

He's my brother (Naomi X kise and a knb fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now