Miss Ro'Maves Funeral

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Garroth's Pov

Today is my mums funeral. "Ready to go, Love" Laurence says to me. "N-No" I stutter honestly, I don't want to go, I know it seems rude but I just don't want to go. "Listen, I know you don't want to go but you need to, it's your mums Funeral" He says kisses my forehead. We walk outside and we get into the car. Halfway there tears start to run down my face. Laurence pulls over and looks at me, "Garroth please face me" Laurance pleads. I look at him and I see guilt, saddness and pleading in his eyes. He grabs my hand and says "It's going to be ok, Zianna is in a better plane now" (sorry I can't spell Garroth, Zane and Vlyad's mothers name). Laurance starts the car again and we head off.

~time skip after the funeral and it's still Garroth's Pov~

Me and Laurence get home and I run to my room and cry. "Love, are you alright" I hear Laurance say. "No I'm no" I cry into my pillow. I hear My door open and hear Laurance speak. "Listen i know it's hard, but please don't shut me out" He says. "I'm not shutting you out" I say with a bit of anger in my voice. "You are, now how about we have a movie night, just me and you, watching well a movie" Laurance asks with a bit of hope in his voice I can tell. "O-ok" I say. "Excellent, I will get the movie started and you can make the popcorn, or do you want to order pizza" Laurence asks. "Popcore" I yell excitedly. "Alright then it's settled, go make the Popcore and I will pick a movie" Laurance says then kisses my forhead.

Hope you liked my new chapter, see ya

Garroth x Laurance Where stories live. Discover now