This love is special

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Garroth's Pov

Me and Laurance went to a café, "Love, what to do want" Laurance asked me. "Chocolate chip muffin" I say like a five year old. "Haha, alright, go pick a table and I will be with you shortly" Laurance says "Alright" I go pick a table and a few minutes Later Laurance comes with my chocolate chip muffin. "Here you go, love" Laurance gives me my muffin. "Thank you" I say. "Your welcome, Love" I say with a smile on my face.

~Time skip~

Laurence's Pov

"Hey love" I say to Garroth. "Yes" he says looking at me with he's curious eyes. "What is your favourite thing about me" I say. "Do you want me to pick one thing" he says. "Yes" i say. "Everything, I like everything about you I can't chose wants my favourite thing about you, I love your smile, your laugh, your hummer, your eyes, I can go on if you like" Garroth says to me. "One more thing you like about me" I say. "Your love" he says to me.

~time skip~

Laurance's Pov

Me and Garroth go home and I see a puppy outside our house, I pick it up, it whimpers "Hey, little puppy" I say patting it, it sniffs my hand then licks if, "Do you want to keep the puppy" I look at Garroth. "It's so cute, of course I do, I love animals" I say, then I bring it inside, it runs around. "Haha, adorable" I say. "What do you want to name her" I look at Garroth. "I-I'm not good at picking names" Garroth says. "Garroth, you named Cadenza's pets" i say. "How about violet" i here Garroth say. "What was the last word" I say. "How about violet" Garroth says to me. "I love it" I say kissing his forhead.

Garroth x Laurance Where stories live. Discover now