Chapter Four

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Monday morning. Phebe used her second pillow to cover her face from the light coming in from the window, wishing the morning away and welcoming in the dark of the night but somethings could not be wished away or so her alarm clock on her bed side table was reminding her.

"Crap!" she really had to gain control over her cursing even though everyone mocked her that if she wanted to curse there were worse things to say.

She threw her duvet off her body and didn't plan for it to fly so far off the bed and unto to the ground. At least her floors were clean. She angrily turned off her alarm clock and began to mentally calculate what she had to do this morning before work and none of it gave anytime for her to get at least five minutes extra nap time.

Willing herself off the bed to get her day started, she went on her knees and said a quick prayer before dashing into the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. She turned her television and put it on CNN and as she made her way around her tiny apartment getting set for work the voices of Errol Barnet her all time crush and Rosemary Church filled the room as they captivatingly gave news.

By the time she was dressed she had barely five minutes before the staff bus got to her bus-stop. She used a few seconds to inspect her not so fashionable outfit this morning. Her favourite, go-to black shirt was tucked into a black skater skirt which she had just bought the week before and she had paired it up with her black gold studded shoes. Who wears all black like a sad person on a Monday morning? She thought to herself. She thought of changing to her nude shoes to add a flicker of light to her outfit but she was already so late and she couldn't afford to miss the staff bus again. Her all black was just going to have to do whether she liked it or not.

Just as she got to the bus stop the staff bus was arriving, she would have kissed her lucky stars if she had time but the driver gave her his familiar impatient look which she had come to know and love.

"Hey Pobs!" She wasn't sure why people called him that but they did and she followed along.

"Hey Phebe, glad you could join us today."

"Well I will be joining you every day if you weren't such a timely man."

"Get used to it." He responded with a smile that showed his two broken teeth in front as he pressed the bottom to shut the doors. Phebe found a seat by the window and plunked down into it. She brought out her phone and scrolled down her music list searching for her song for the day and her fingers landed on Amanda Cooks 'Pieces'.

She plugged her earphones in and began the bumpy ride in the old staff bus to her office.

^ ^ ^

"Sir! Sir! Mr Egbe." Rah shook at the feel of someone's hand against his. He hadn't realized Kate had walked into his office. "Are you ok sir?"

"I am fine Kate what is it." He knew his tone was harsh but he wasn't about to apologize for it. "Speak Kate." He said again hitting his table causing the case of biros and his young assistant to jump.

"Sorry Emeka said he has the presentation files for the Zibo project ready if you want them."

"Sure bring them over."

"Ok sir." Before she had even finished responding to him she was already racing out of his office he knew it was his fault for scaring her. He couldn't help it, he just couldn't.

This morning he had another episode of panic attacks and he wasn't even sure what triggered it and though he was here in his office in the flesh, his mind was far away. His palms were moist and sweaty and though the air conditioner was at 16oC. He could still feel the sweat dripping down his back.

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