Chapter 1

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Hey guys so this is my second story although I didn't finish that one. But I will finish this one. I hope you like the story.
So today I found out that my mum is seeing someone a year after my dad died. But not only that they're getting married in three weeks. The anger I felt the moment she told me was the worst it had ever been. My dads been gone a year and she's already fucking the first guy she sees. What the hell am I saying. She's probably fucked hundreds of guys since he died. And that though just makes me even more angry.

So now I'm in my bedroom throwing darts at my dartboard because it's the only thing I can think of that will get my anger out, or rough sex but my girlfriend was away just now so can't call her to come over. I put the remainder of my darts down, walked over to my bed and flop on it. A few seconds later my phone bleeps. I sit up quickly and grab it. It was my girlfriend. I smiled when I see what's on the screen. She's sent me nudes as a way to calm me down. But to be honest it just got me excited and horny. I smile then put my phone down. Lying back on my bed I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I wake up to the feeling of someone shaking me. I try to push them off but they keep shaking me.

"James wake up!" I hear my mum saying. I roll across the bed to get out of her reach but she yanks my covers away.

"Mum why?" I moan.

"Stop moaning and get up before I pour a bucket of freezing water over," she threatens. I bolt upright.

"Don't you even think about it," I snarl. She rolls her eyes and walks towards my door, then turns around.

"Be downstairs in ten minutes. There is something I need to talk to you about," she says then walks out. I look down at the floor really confused. What more was to tell. Was her getting married not enough. I sigh loudly then make my way to the bathroom.

After having a shower and getting dressed I make my way downstairs. My mum is sitting at the kitchen table.

"What is it you want to tell me?" I snap. She glared at me.

"Drop the attitude!" She snaps back.

"Whatever just tell me," I say getting impatient.

"Sit down first then I'll tell you," I sit down and glare at her.

"Well you know how me and Ryan are getting married. Well we're also going to live with him," she says slowly. I sit for a few seconds trying to register what she is saying. I look up at her, anger blaring through my eyes.

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!" I scream. She looks at me calmly and shakes her head.

"No James I'm not kidding. And if you even make a fuss about moving, you're going to be in serious trouble," she threatens. She's using the voice she used to use when I was a kid and it was freaks the hell out of me. I look away and don't say anything.

"I know this is a shock to you but I want you to be happy for me," she pleads.

"One year mum. He's been gone one year and you're already replacing him," I say angrily. She sighs and wipes a tear away that escaped my eye.

"I'm not replacing him. No one can ever replace you're father but he makes me happy and I love him," she explains.

"What about college, my friends and Amanda? I can't leave them behind," I say. She looks at me and smiles.

"He lives twenty minutes away from your college so don't worry," she says softly. I relax a little but I'm still mad.

"I don't like this but if you're happy then I can't stop you," I tell her. She leans over and hugs me. Tears start dripping down my face. An image of my dad pops into my mind and I cry even more.

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